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Secular Metal Danger

Temple of Blood
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Friday13th Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:41 am

lol Superjuice, I confess I have sinned!
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:32 pm

Superjuice wrote:Secular Hot Dog Danger:

I'm going to be controversial here.  Certain foods should not be eaten by Christians, because they are dangerous to your health and you are destroying your temple (which is holy) with them.  Foods like BACON, CORN SYRUP, LOBSTER, FRENCH FRIES, TWINKIES, Coca-Cola (aspartame), and HOT DOGS are particularly dangerous foods that are completely against God and His will for you to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.

Here's Christian nutritionist and bio-chemist Ted Broer explaining the dangers of hot dogs, which contain sodium nitrates:

Secular Humor Danger:

I'm going to be controversial here. Certain kinds of humor can be dangerous, and are not really good examples of being intelligent. The attempts, of this type of humor, are futile, and sometimes come dangerously close to mocking rather than being funny.

If one is not ready to give an answer for the point they are making, maybe they shouldn't engage in that type of humor.


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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by MegaNorm64 Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:41 am

Man... That moment when you look down to your plate and see that you're eating hotdogs and mustard.
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Temple of Blood Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am

Mortal wrote:
Superjuice wrote:Secular Hot Dog Danger:

I'm going to be controversial here.  Certain foods should not be eaten by Christians, because they are dangerous to your health and you are destroying your temple (which is holy) with them.  Foods like BACON, CORN SYRUP, LOBSTER, FRENCH FRIES, TWINKIES, Coca-Cola (aspartame), and HOT DOGS are particularly dangerous foods that are completely against God and His will for you to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.

Here's Christian nutritionist and bio-chemist Ted Broer explaining the dangers of hot dogs, which contain sodium nitrates:

Secular Humor Danger:

I'm going to be controversial here. Certain kinds of humor can be dangerous, and are not really good examples of being intelligent. The attempts, of this type of humor, are futile, and sometimes come dangerously close to mocking rather than being funny.

If one is not ready to give an answer for the point they are making, maybe they shouldn't engage in that type of humor.

I don't even see that it's humor.

If this person is advocating for hot dogs, which are very unhealthy for people, then why in the world shouldn't SJ point out how dangerous it is?
Temple of Blood
Temple of Blood
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by d@v!d Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:33 am

Temple of Blood wrote:I don't even see that it's humor.

If this person is advocating for hot dogs, which are very unhealthy for people, then why in the world shouldn't SJ point out how dangerous it is?
I don't know... I thought the meta-point was it can be silly to worry about things.
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Temple of Blood Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:06 am

The meta-point is remove the plank in your own eye before you criticize others for being in "danger".
Temple of Blood
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:42 pm

Temple of Blood wrote:The meta-point is remove the plank in your own eye before you criticize others for being in "danger".

There is a plank in some people's eye that prevents them from discerning/differentiating between good criticism and bad criticism.

Now if they don't pull that plank out, they will be in danger of becoming even more ignorant.

Is it wrong to warn them of that "danger"?


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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by sentient 6 Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:19 pm

Temple of Blood wrote:The meta-point is remove the plank in your own eye before you criticize others for being in "danger". are admitting that it is a " plank. " Wink
sentient 6
sentient 6
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Believer12 Fri May 01, 2015 12:32 am

1 4 All wrote:I would really appreciate a list of bands which would be acceptable for me to listen to. Thanks.

That ultimately is between you and God, he has given us each a conscience.  I'm sorry if I caused offence, I was just naming bands that have had a negative input on me.

By the way have you checked out Delirious??  lol!
Couldn't have said it better. That's why it's called a personal walk. I don't agree when folks although with good intentions try to make their sin or convictions everyone else's
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2015 12:42 am

There is no danger in secular metal.. there is no such thing as secular or christian metal..its all just metal...I listen to whatever sounds good to me....Motley crue, w.a.s.p., whitecross, etc.


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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by HOTDOGS AND MUSTARD Fri May 01, 2015 1:21 am

savage amusement wrote:There is no danger in secular metal.. there is no such thing as secular or christian metal..its all just metal...I listen to whatever sounds good to me....Motley crue, w.a.s.p., whitecross, etc.

Why is this site called 'The Christian Metal Realm' then?
mallcore n00b
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2015 1:45 am

Why is this site called 'The Christian Metal Realm' then?

Smile  because some people need the tag to make them feel better. Christian metal is nothing but a marketing term thought up to sell music...interesting that all bands that sing about everything from Jesus to sex and satan can and are promoted on this website..not to mention all religions and atheism.. Razz


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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Friday13th Fri May 01, 2015 6:40 am

We here at Christian Metal Forum are very much against overt sexual themes, the promotion of satan, false religions, and atheism. We're not the inquisition though, and how we deal with that is another issue. Just wanted to make that very clear, Savage Smile
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by d@v!d Fri May 01, 2015 7:38 am

savage amusement wrote:There is no danger in secular metal.. there is no such thing as secular or christian metal..its all just metal...I listen to whatever sounds good to me....Motley crue, w.a.s.p., whitecross, etc.
There is no further danger for those who are dead in their transgressions and sins who follow the ways of this world and its ruler.

Yes, for the Christian, there is danger in listening to the music of the aforementioned bands. Those bands whose messages openly promote ungodliness in many forms work to undermine the Christian's faith. Again, this should all be a no brainer...
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by HOTDOGS AND MUSTARD Fri May 01, 2015 8:36 am

savage amusement wrote:
Why is this site called 'The Christian Metal Realm' then?

Smile  because some people need the tag to make them feel better. Christian metal is nothing but a marketing term thought up to sell music...interesting that all bands that sing about everything from Jesus to sex and satan can and are promoted on this website..not to mention all religions and atheism.. Razz

Jesus doesn't needed promoting... 'He is the Most High'.  Wink
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by MegaNorm64 Fri May 01, 2015 8:52 am

savage amusement wrote:
Why is this site called 'The Christian Metal Realm' then?

Smile  because some people need the tag to make them feel better. Christian metal is nothing but a marketing term thought up to sell music...interesting that all bands that sing about everything from Jesus to sex and satan can and are promoted on this website..not to mention all religions and atheism.. Razz

Jesus doesn't needed promoting... 'He is the Most High'.  Wink
That is true but, what Savage is getting at is that we as Christians feel a lot better when the word "Christian" is in front of something. Why is that so? I don't know. I personally hate it. It's like that label that says "this is good" and everything else is bad. Do we have Christian food and water? No, we only have food and water. Are there Christian soundwaves? No, right? So there isn't Christian music, just music. The word Christian in music is used as a genre implying that it is a part of every genre but is restricted to Christian themes. Music touches every theme in the world but you don't see everything being labeled off of their own lyrical content. How bogus would it be if we had to say "Yeah, I'm listening to political rant angry at the world thrash metal!" or "Man! That was some cool  gang banging misogynistic drug influencing hip hop!".
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2015 9:07 am

That is true but, what Savage is getting at is that we as Christians feel a lot better when the word "Christian" is in front of something. Why is that so? I don't know. I personally hate it. It's like that label that says "this is good" and everything else is bad. Do we have Christian food and water? No, we only have food and water. Are there Christian soundwaves? No, right? So there isn't Christian music, just music. The word Christian in music is used as a genre implying that it is a part of every genre but is restricted to Christian themes. Music touches every theme in the world but you don't see everything being labeled off of their own lyrical content. How bogus would it be if we had to say "Yeah, I'm listening to political rant angry at the world thrash metal!" or "Man! That was some cool  gang banging misogynistic drug influencing hip hop!".
well said..and interesting how many "Christian" artist are saying the same thing...


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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by HOTDOGS AND MUSTARD Fri May 01, 2015 9:27 am

ParaNormaN wrote:
savage amusement wrote:
Why is this site called 'The Christian Metal Realm' then?

Smile  because some people need the tag to make them feel better. Christian metal is nothing but a marketing term thought up to sell music...interesting that all bands that sing about everything from Jesus to sex and satan can and are promoted on this website..not to mention all religions and atheism.. Razz

Jesus doesn't needed promoting... 'He is the Most High'.  Wink
That is true but, what Savage is getting at is that we as Christians feel a lot better when the word "Christian" is in front of something. Why is that so? I don't know. I personally hate it. It's like that label that says "this is good" and everything else is bad. Do we have Christian food and water? No, we only have food and water. Are there Christian soundwaves? No, right? So there isn't Christian music, just music. The word Christian in music is used as a genre implying that it is a part of every genre but is restricted to Christian themes. Music touches every theme in the world but you don't see everything being labeled off of their own lyrical content. How bogus would it be if we had to say "Yeah, I'm listening to political rant angry at the world thrash metal!" or "Man! That was some cool  gang banging misogynistic drug influencing hip hop!".

So if I wanted to listen find bands with 'Christian themes' and find the 'The Christian Metal Realm' how would I find it if it wasn't labelled?  I do get what you and Savage are saying, I don't like saying so and so are a Christian band but surely you have to agree it's a useful to know which bands share the same faith as you?  Sometimes I think bands use the 'don't want to be labelled as Christian' as an excuse as they are ashamed of being a Christian.  We should be proud of rebelling against the world instead of being of the world.
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2015 10:15 am

I don't like saying so and so are a Christian band but surely you have to agree it's a useful to know which bands share the same faith as you?

but how do you know they share the same faith as you? many bands that do not believe in God write lyrics based on the Christian Bible and about Jesus..even some of the "christian" bands may not believe as you as they are writing lyrics from their theological view which may differ radically from yours...


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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by HOTDOGS AND MUSTARD Fri May 01, 2015 11:19 am

savage amusement wrote:
I don't like saying so and so are a Christian band but surely you have to agree it's a useful to know which bands share the same faith as you?

but how do you know they share the same faith as you? many bands that do not believe in God write lyrics based on the Christian Bible and about Jesus..even some of the "christian" bands may not believe as you as they are writing lyrics from their theological view which may differ radically from yours...

Even though their theological views may be different, I'm sure they believe in the same Jesus as I do.  Every Christian has different theological views this is true and what we call faith in Jesus.
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2015 3:49 pm

HOTDOGS AND MUSTARD wrote:Even though their theological views may be different, I'm sure they believe in the same Jesus as I do.

Since you started this thread here titled "Secular Metal Danger", let me ask you this...

Don't you think there is a danger in believing that everyone who claims to be "Christian" is actually Christian?

If satan's ministers are disguised as ministers of righteousness, I would certainly think that there is a danger.

What do you think?

HOTDOGS AND MUSTARD wrote:Every Christian has different theological views this is true and what we call faith in Jesus.

Don't you think that many of Christ's warnings had to do with knowing the difference between the true Christ and the false one?

Didn't God say that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge?


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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by MetalGospel Fri May 01, 2015 8:46 pm

I noticed the wording of the first post here.

"Certain bands that I BELIEVE..."

It is up to each person's conscience, not by what one person has to say about it.

You have your own ears and your own mind.  Make your own decisions.

Different people can handle different things.   It is not one size fits all.

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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by sentient 6 Sat May 02, 2015 2:31 am

savage amusement wrote:There is no danger in secular metal.. there is no such thing as secular or christian metal..its all just metal...I listen to whatever sounds good to me....Motley crue, w.a.s.p., whitecross, etc.

I bet your have no problem calling the Newsboys a " christian " pop band do ya ? Or Caedmons Call a " Christian " folk rock band ?

Yes..there may be some double standards regards to the appropriateness of labels.
sentient 6
sentient 6
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by MegaNorm64 Sat May 02, 2015 2:40 am

sentient 6 wrote:
savage amusement wrote:There is no danger in secular metal.. there is no such thing as secular or christian metal..its all just metal...I listen to whatever sounds good to me....Motley crue, w.a.s.p., whitecross, etc.

I bet your have no problem calling the Newsboys a " christian " pop band do ya ? Or Caedmons Call a " Christian " folk rock band ?

Yes..there may be some double standards regards to the appropriateness of labels.
Personally, I just call them rock bands.
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

Post by sentient 6 Sat May 02, 2015 2:44 am

savage amusement wrote:Smile  because some people need the tag to make them feel better.

Naw.....its just practical. For you sure, its doesn't really matter, because you've said that you listen to whatever you want regardless of the lyrics. But for some of us, its a starting point to see if it is a band that we want to invest time and money into. I personally don't accept everything thats labeled " christian " as such. but its a starting point.
sentient 6
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Secular Metal Danger - Page 2 Empty Re: Secular Metal Danger

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