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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by WildWorld Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:02 pm

If you go on amazon and search ken tamplin you'll see that he's released a TON of cover albums. Theyre really diverse and from what i've heard, Ken sings them well, but i wonder whats with him releasing all these.

Holy Unblack Knight
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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Guest Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:24 pm

I imagine he puts these out to help with his vocal academy. A way to help his students learn the different styles of singing? He even has a karaoke album.


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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Guest Wed Jan 14, 2015 7:25 pm

Adam wrote:I imagine he puts these out to help with his vocal academy. A way to help his students learn the different styles of singing? He even has a karaoke album.
You're certainly right.

Just as many videos he has posted on Youtube, his current aim is to teach singing, and he promises to teach their students how to sing like any singer, no matter what the style is, or no matter what's your kind of voice. 

He actually helped Jimmy Brown to sing a Iron Maiden cover on the last Deliverance album. The result is surprisingly good.


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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Candlemass Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:35 pm

So he can make me, a classic baritone, sing like Robert Plant or Dio?...I don't think so! Laughing
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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:48 am

Candlemass wrote:So he can make me, a classic baritone, sing like Robert Plant or Dio?...I don't think so! Laughing
Well, if you know how to sing, I'm sure you can do whatever you want if you traine hard. Ken has proven it.


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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Candlemass Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:15 am

I can sing, always could, but you simply can not change what vocal cords you were born with...
Holy Unblack Knight
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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Guest Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:00 pm

Candlemass wrote:I can sing, always could, but you simply can not change what vocal cords you were born with...

I see your point of view, however, you can work on diferente notes to get closer to the kind of voice you intend to do. Also, ther are a few techniques, such as falsetto. But you might know it better than me, considering that I don't know how to sing.

Ken itself posted some vídeos where he sings like Michael Jackson, like the Iron Maiden singer and many others.


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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Candlemass Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:06 pm

Show me one where he sings like Jim Morrison or Scott Stapp, w/power at the bottom end...
Holy Unblack Knight
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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Guest Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:12 pm

Candlemass wrote:Show me one where he sings like Jim Morrison or Scott Stapp, w/power at the bottom end...

Ok, I got your point. They have a different kind of voice (I don't know how to state their kind of voice in english).


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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Candlemass Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:32 pm

Holy Unblack Knight
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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Professor_Valconian Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:35 pm

Ken does not suggest that he can teach anyone to sound like someone else ... I believe he contends that he can teach you to sing in the same style and using the same vocal techniques as other popular singers. That is my understanding anyway.
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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

Post by Guest Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:37 pm

Professor_Valconian wrote:Ken does not suggest that he can teach anyone to sound like someone else ... I believe he contends that he can teach you to sing in the same style and using the same vocal techniques as other popular singers. That is my understanding anyway.
I guess...

You know, I was a bit simplistic...


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Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums? Empty Re: Ken Tamplin-whats with all the cover albums?

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