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Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD

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Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD Empty Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD

Post by Soldier777 Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:43 am

I cam across a Ken Tamplin CD Weird Odds and Ends on EBay and the seller has committed to seller this to me. Here are the pics:

Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD S-l1600

Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD S-l1600

Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD S-l1600

Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD S-l1600

What I'm wondering is Ken Tamplin and the album title is not written on the front cover like it is in this and Where discogs says not on label, Im thinking Ken Released this himself. Any thoughts?
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD Empty Re: Help needed on a Ken Tamplin CD

Post by alldatndensum Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:54 am

Ken DID release this himself through the old website.  David Benson also released one of his that way initially.  You could upload your files, do a quick design for cover artwork, and then they printed your CDs as you had need of them.  This was way before Amazon was doing the print-on-demand CDs.  It is a great low cost way for a band or artist to get physical product out if there isn't much demand for it.

With this being demos and such, I doubt that Ken would have wanted hundreds of copies made.  With that said, I would love to get a rip of this if you can at all do so.  I have wanted this disc for some time.
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