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Ken Tamplin update

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Ken Tamplin update Empty Ken Tamplin update

Post by bjorn agin Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:32 pm

Ken Tamplin was living on the big island of Hawaii. He's been providing periodic updates on Facebook about the lava flow from the eruption of Kilauea coming closer to his homes. On Thursday he posted this update.

This realization just came to me.
We will be boarding a plane in a couple hours to evacuate the island. (this comment is in no way meant for sympathy or drama king whatsoever, just interesting). I went from having 3 very well furnished homes, and oceanview lot ready to build on etc.. To one suitecase I am about to take on a plane that has 2 pairs of pants, some underware, 3 shirts, a belt a tooth brush and a laptop. (and thank God some decent studio gear in a couple boxes). God is in control, He is still on the throne. But it's quite sobering to think of spending a lifetime of working so hard for some kind of retirement and watch it vanish in a couple days. It also helps remind me of not leaning my ladder against the wrong wall. Yes I have done a lot of ministry, yes I have tried to help as many as I can along the way, but in the end, it's all going to burn. Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last. Again this is not a pity party. Just a sober realization. I won't be posting much more on this anymore, it was hopefully a clarion call for us all to realize what is important in this life. And it ain't the stuff! It's eternal.

From what I've read in news articles, homeowners insurance doesn't normally provide coverage for damage from lava (depends on how the policy is worded). So when he says his investment vanished, he means it. Ken and family could use our prayers.
bjorn agin
bjorn agin
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Ken Tamplin update Empty Re: Ken Tamplin update

Post by eatbugs Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:42 pm


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Ken Tamplin update Empty Re: Ken Tamplin update

Post by Guest Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:06 pm

"Yes I have done a lot of ministry, yes I have tried to help as many as I can along the way, but in the end, it's all going to burn"

I've said those very words... that's why I'm agnostic, skeptical, apostate, nihilist and an unbeliever.


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Ken Tamplin update Empty Re: Ken Tamplin update

Post by alldatndensum Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:55 am

I hate that Ken is going to lose everything with the lava flow.  Hundred and hundreds of homes (not counting other buildings) have been destroyed by this.  There are currently twelve households who have refused to leave that the police are considering dead.  Because lava cools and becomes rock, the face of this beautiful state has been forever changed.

Ken's insurance, unless he had a special policy written, will probably not pay.  Most household insurances won't cover against "acts of God" which are big things like volcanos and major earthquakes.  In states that are considered flood plains, you have to have special coverages for flooding.  I am guessing that Ken will be without his houses when this is over.

My prayers go out to him.  I love the man's voice and the songs he has sang for the Lord over the years.  I wish he'd get back in the studio and do one more rock album just because he could.
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Ken Tamplin update Empty Re: Ken Tamplin update

Post by Black Rider Sun Jun 10, 2018 11:07 am

jaydee, you missed he says only what's done for Christ will last.
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Ken Tamplin update Empty Re: Ken Tamplin update

Post by deathisgain Sun Jun 10, 2018 9:55 pm

I never thought of it until now, but I guess you can't rebuild afterwards if lava covers your property. Unless there is some way I don't realize.
The Warpriest, bringer ov DOOM (finally)

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