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Skid Row new singer

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Skid Row new singer Empty Skid Row new singer

Post by nairtoons Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 6:19

Tony Harnell will be taking Johnny Solinger. place. I really like Tony voice and range. Been a fan of most of his cds TNT, Starbreaker and Westworld.
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Skid Row new singer Empty Re: Skid Row new singer

Post by Guest Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 23:01

You can listen to a rerecorded version of 18 and Life from their sites too with Tony on vocals.


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Skid Row new singer Empty Re: Skid Row new singer

Post by Follower of Jesus Thu 30 Apr 2015 - 10:13

I don't really care for the re-record of 18 and Life. Tony's voice isn't what it once was, and it's no match now for Bach in his prime. That being said, I'm still really excited by this news. I thought the band really returned to form with United World Rebellion and I'm anxious to hear what they come up with now with Tony at the mic.
Follower of Jesus
Follower of Jesus
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Skid Row new singer Empty Re: Skid Row new singer

Post by TMLMKE Fri 1 May 2015 - 14:32

This new version sounds more in my range to sing along to. Smile
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Skid Row new singer Empty Re: Skid Row new singer

Post by Staybrite Fri 1 May 2015 - 15:08

I thought the recent rerecord was alright, but nothing special.  It doesn't sound like it has nearly the charisma that the original version with Baz did.  But in all fairness if Bach rerecorded it now I'm sure it wouldn't hold up to the original either.
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Skid Row new singer Empty Re: Skid Row new singer

Post by RobbVII Wed 13 May 2015 - 19:12

At this point, I think these guys have hit full blown irrelevance. The best thing they could have done was a reunion with Bach. He has expressed interest in a reunion, yet the band wants to continue making music that nobody will buy. The tiny fan base that they had, just got destroyed again. If they brought back Bach now, they could still capitalize on a big reunion tour and give their fans what they really want. This is just my opinion. I have never been a big fan of Skid Row anyway.
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