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Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers

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Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers Empty Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers

Post by ThomasEversole Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:56 am

The last physical release of GRIM was in 1999 with "Scepter of Blood".
Now, having resurrected the project after so many years, I'm looking for a Christian label for the release of "Vespers".

Whether your a DIY label or press the discs, interested in having Vesper tracks on your compilation, thinking of starting a Christian black metal label and this is your chance to get started, etc. Please let me know, we can work something out.

Don't assume you'll have to pay for the album yourself. Talk to me and lets make a deal. I compromise very well and we will come up with something that will be prosperous to both of us.

You can stream the whole Vespers album (for your listening convenience) at or clicking the signature image below (official site).

Thank you for your time.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers Empty Re: Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers

Post by Through The Dark Radio Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:36 am

You might check with Brian Shaver of Shaver Audio & Video.
Through The Dark Radio
Through The Dark Radio
Sacred Metal Prophet
Sacred Metal Prophet

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Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers Empty Re: Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers

Post by FishingD Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:55 am

You might like to chek out Shatttered Chain Records! They are putting out Anima Mortuum this old-school unblack metal project was founded by Zvi Tacussis of Diamoth!

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Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers Empty Re: Currently looking for a Christian metal label to release GRIM - Vespers

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