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Anybody know about Seven Angels? (Thrash-like power metal)

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Anybody know about Seven Angels?  (Thrash-like power metal) Empty Anybody know about Seven Angels? (Thrash-like power metal)

Post by Superjuice Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:28 pm

This band from Brazil supposedly has Christian leanings.  Can anyone confirm this?

Great guitar work anyway, this dude really smokes.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Anybody know about Seven Angels?  (Thrash-like power metal) Empty Re: Anybody know about Seven Angels? (Thrash-like power metal)

Post by Constantine Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:30 pm

They do describe themselves as a "melodic metal band with Christian lyrics."

Here is an interview with the lead singer:

Seven Angels Interview

I am very familiar with their album "The Faceless Man" and it does have a few songs with clear faith-based lyrics on it.  
The rest are more like musings on life, regret, etc. 

I personally am comfortable calling them a Christian band, but it's not super bold stuff like Mortification, just noticeable.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Anybody know about Seven Angels?  (Thrash-like power metal) Empty Re: Anybody know about Seven Angels? (Thrash-like power metal)

Post by Lex Metalis Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:02 am

The band comeback this year and are recording a new single in a new music style...
Lex Metalis
Lex Metalis
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Anybody know about Seven Angels?  (Thrash-like power metal) Empty Re: Anybody know about Seven Angels? (Thrash-like power metal)

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