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I need prayer....

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I need prayer.... Empty I need prayer....

Post by johnnycanuck Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:03 pm

First off I am happy to see that CMR is back online again. I can certainly identify with the attacks of the devil and his minions. I am presently on a 6 month course in the Royal Canadian Air Force training as an Air Weapons Systems Tech. I am the ony christian in my class and it seems that the rest of the class spends all their time talking about explicit pornography and other filth. I can't say anything because the instructors are there and they appear to be condoning this. I have been here a month and they do not give up in their filthy communication. I am marrired with three children, two of them teen aged daughters and it saddens me that men and one woman can actually spend every day talking this way. It is bad enough that my wife is very ill at home with an illness that the doctors can't seem to find. She has pain and inflammation is all her joints. She has to work all day and the tend to the children when she gets home and she is exhausted by the time I call her. She has had bone scan and a biopsy and is having a Cat Scan and meeting with a Doctor for infectuous diseases tomorrow. My prayer is more for her than for me as I could not even imagine trying to work day to day in the pain that she is in. I can certainly say that the military is not a place for a christian. I try to engage in conversation and I end up getting dogpiled by a group of people who can't even give cogent reasons to why they hate God. I understand that the God of this World has blinded their eyes least they see the glory of Christ, but it still makes for a lonely day when it me against them. the fact the I am 50 and the average age is 26 doesn't help....
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

Posts : 95
Join date : 2012-02-02
Location : CFB Shearwater NS

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I need prayer.... Empty Re: I need prayer....

Post by Guest Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:06 pm



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I need prayer.... Empty Re: I need prayer....

Post by Guest Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:14 pm



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I need prayer.... Empty Re: I need prayer....

Post by Guest Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:41 am

God is peparing you for something. Your ol lady's health is important but don' get me wrong.....Not as important as the salvation of your classmates. I pray that your wife is healed and that God gives you an oppurunity to not only minister to your classmates but tell them about the saving grace of Christ.


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I need prayer.... Empty Re: I need prayer....

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