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Prayer Empty Prayer

Post by DarkFireDragoon Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:42 pm

Hey everybody. I know, long time little talk. Razz Life's been pretty busy, and a LOT has happened since the last time I really came on to post. In short; got married, got a job.

Right now, we could really use some prayer for our finances, as well as God's guidance for what to do next. I got hurt at work a couple of weeks ago, and have been on a leave of absence. Thankfully she does have a job as well, but she also got hurt a few months back and it still hurts her. It sucks, but I know the Lord will do something great out of all of it. 

As well, for a while now I've been working on starting my own Comic company. I have a few artists that are wanting to work with me as well as another writer, but I could still use some more artists. Its something that the Lord has really put on my heart, and I'm excited to see what happens. That said, I would really appreciate prayers for His hand in it all.

But yeah. That's the short and sweet of it. Prayers for our jobs would be awesome, and for His direction in everything. Thank you folks. We really do appreciate it Smile God bless you guys n' gals!
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Prayer Empty Re: Prayer

Post by Through The Dark Radio Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:39 am

Sure thing, my friend.  Will definitely be praying for you & your wife.
Through The Dark Radio
Through The Dark Radio
Sacred Metal Prophet
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Prayer Empty Re: Prayer

Post by d@v!d Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:15 pm

Congratulations on your marriage! Apply yourself and God will provide. I'll pray for you.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Prayer Empty Re: Prayer

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