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Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album

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Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album Empty Re: Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album

Post by Guest Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:04 am

Remember, shipping is included in your pledge amount...and shipping from the UK to the US is pretty pricey ($10-$16 depending on tracking or not).


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Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album Empty Re: Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album

Post by sentient 6 Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:27 am

...count me as one of the interested.
sentient 6
sentient 6
Sacred Metal Prophet
Sacred Metal Prophet

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Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album Empty Re: Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album

Post by alldatndensum Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:34 pm

Count me in as a supporter.  Yes, I took the plunge to help a band I have listened to for many years.
Mullet Wig King

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Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album Empty Re: Stairway is doing a Pledge Music campaign for their new album

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