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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

Jessie G
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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band) Empty What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

Post by Jessie G Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:01 pm

Monty Colvin's band pre Galactic Cowboys. They just had one album. Was in the vein of GC. Had a very haunting song called Mary at the end of the disc
Jessie G
Jessie G
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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band) Empty Re: What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

Post by Candlemass Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:09 pm

Have it, never spun it much, will scope it out again soon...
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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band) Empty Re: What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

Post by Livna Fri Dec 12, 2014 8:05 am

I've got that one. Not really metal. Ghost Of Heaven has a Police vibe to it.
Seasoned Guardian
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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band) Empty Re: What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

Post by ludey7 Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:16 pm

Loved it - wish there was more.  Higher was my fave song on the disc.

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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band) Empty Re: What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

Post by Jessie G Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:37 pm

They morphed into The Galactic Cowboys. I don't know what ever happened to them.
Jessie G
Jessie G
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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band) Empty Re: What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

Post by Parched Earth Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:41 am

Good band, but just a shadow of the awesomeness of the first two Galactic Cowboys albums, in my opinion.  I love the song "Mary." Smile
Parched Earth
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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band) Empty Re: What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

Post by stevegarveyfan Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:28 pm

Yes, solid album, but not spectacular.  Galactic Cowboys was WAY better.
Metal Warrior
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What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band) Empty Re: What's your thoughts on The Awful Truth? (Band)

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