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Gear advice

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Gear advice Empty Gear advice

Post by Gandalf the White Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:28 pm

So I'm looking at buying an electric guitar and amp in the next year or so. I had an Epiphone Les Paul Jr. and Marshall 15 watt Amp for a while but had to sell them cause we needed the money more.

I'm settled on a guitar - likely another Epiphone Les Paul, either Studio or Special II.

But the amp I want is pricey. It's a Fender something or other...

Anyway, my question is - what do you think about buying used equipment? I've bought both - for instance, recently I bought an Epiphone Hummingbird electric acoustic (I play in the band at church) and love it. Since I bought it new, it's covered for problems for 60 days.

But the upside to used is that it's usually less expensive and whoever had it before was able to work out all the bugs.

Gandalf the White
Gandalf the White
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Gear advice Empty Re: Gear advice

Post by nuclearwoods Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:10 pm

Most of my equipment starting out was used, nothing wrong with it at all.  Just make sure it's in good shape before you buy it.  I know guitar center (support local if you can) even has a return policy for a week or so on their used stuff.
Holy Unblack Knight
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Gear advice Empty Re: Gear advice

Post by bassdude Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:23 pm

No problem at all with buying used.....just have it checked out to make sure it's all good first.
Metal Warrior
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Gear advice Empty Re: Gear advice

Post by nwright Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:27 pm

I'm a new member, but a gear fanatic.

I buy used for a lot of the gear I have now.  It's my preferred way to acquire gear, haha.

GC used has a 30 day return policy for their used items.

You can find used equipment at GC using their national site or

Using the second link from above, you can search and find used items and select "add to cart" to purchase.  It will calculate shipping from that GC to your home...And if you get it and dont like it, you can return to your local GC.

I've bought a number of items this way.  Good luck!

mallcore n00b
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