The Christian Metal Realm
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Stone High - This Calling

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Stone High - This Calling Empty Stone High - This Calling

Post by Dr3ams Sun Jun 05, 2022 2:26 pm

Stonehigh - This Calling

Year: 2008
Genre: Alternative Metal
Origin: USA

Took me a while to find a CD from this band. I eventually found a used copy on Amazon. Cost me 30 Euros.

Like it a lot. Now in my "Christian" metal top 20 favorite album list.

mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Stone High - This Calling Empty Re: Stone High - This Calling

Post by Dustofyears Sun Jun 05, 2022 9:14 pm

Dr3ams wrote:Stonehigh - This Calling

Year: 2008
Genre: Alternative Metal
Origin: USA

Took me a while to find a CD from this band. I eventually found a used copy on Amazon. Cost me 30 Euros.

Like it a lot. Now in my "Christian" metal top 20 favorite album list.

Had a friend that was into this kind of metal. Can't remember the names of the bands but most of them were christian stuff like this. Some of it was quite good, but not my usual spin. I like a little Kill switch from time to time. Nice find anyway.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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