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Rank the Tourniquet Albums

Son of Nun
Luke Easter
Temple of Blood
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Rank the Tourniquet Albums  - Page 4 Empty Re: Rank the Tourniquet Albums

Post by Sevenoneself Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:57 pm

Luke Easter wrote:

My "no actual clue" qualifier was not meant to imply that you had no knowledge of us or our catalog; it was more a catch-all term for people we've encountered over the years who have strong opinions or positions about us and our work that have no basis in fact. I appreciate you clarifying what you meant. That said, I still think its a stretch to say it wasn't a Tourniquet album. I feel the same way when someone says any band - take Mötley Crüe and their John Corabi album for example - that have had a shift in personnel or style should have released an project under a different name because that someone doesn't think it fits the brand. Like you said in your response to me, we "always had the courage to be progressive and experimental;" Carry The Wounded fits that description. It might not have been progressive (far from it, and intentionally so), but it was experimental in its own way. There are a lot of behind the scenes things that were in play when we did that project, but one of the main things was that with "Twilight" (from Vanishing Lessons) we'd finally had a song chart on the mainstream Christian Rock charts as opposed to just at Christian Metal radio. Radio, retail, and the label wanted to maintain that momentum, but the only song that was close was "My Promise," but there was concern that the part from the original version where it got heavier might kill it's chances at rock radio. Ted had written "When The Love Is Right," and wanted to record it and release it as a standalone single. Frontline didn't want that; they and the bulk of the CCM world at the time was not a singles market, so they pushed for us to do a softer (more rock radio friendly) version of "My Promise." Carry The Wounded was the compromise. Ted got to record his ballad, the label got their radio friendly version of "My Promise," Vanishing Lessons saw a modest bump in sales and attention, and you guys got a handful of new material. It was a win for everyone. Did everyone love it? No, but thats a risk every time you release something.

Carry The Wounded brought our time with Jim Faraci to a close, and honestly - in my opinion - set us up for Crawl To China. I know that that album has been a polarizing one to a degree as well, but I don't think it would have been as well received as it was if we hadn't done Carry The Wounded. So, to bring it back to the post I've quoted here, I don't just strongly disagree with you, I think you're incorrect; but you're entitled to your opinion. If it makes any difference, the couple of times we did the title track to the EP live, it was a lot heavier sounding, just like the Crawl To China stuff.

Thanks so much for even giving a rip about any of that stuff at this point. I am thankful for folks like you and everyone here who connected with our work.

Luke, thanks for taking the time to reply and for being so gracious. As I said, I love discussing music but DO NOT want to ever be a jerk about it ever again.

And thanks for sharing part of the Tourniquet story with us; it's super interesting and helps us to understand the true facts behind the music and you as people.

One of the things I also love about the CMR is that we can correct each other on wrong info. I only joined this spring but already have been corrected on a handful of facts I've believed for years. It's nice to be corrected on this as well and to understand why.

Not meaning to suck up either; if I believed I was right I'd push back a bit!
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Rank the Tourniquet Albums  - Page 4 Empty Re: Rank the Tourniquet Albums

Post by StevenCressler Mon May 20, 2024 1:39 am

Second Wind wrote:
Luke Easter wrote:
Bahana wrote:
Luke Easter wrote:
Bahana wrote:Do you consider Gazing at Medusa to be a Tourniquet album since most of the lead vocals were done by guests?
That's a really weird question. It was marketed as one from the jump, so I don't see how you'd think it was anything other.

The lead vocal sound is closely tied to the identity of the band. That was lost on Gazing at Medusa. Just my opinion...of course.

I don't disagree with you, but at the same time it was marketed as a band release from the outset, so I don't see the point in questioning that. Angelica's debut had Rob Rock (a hired gun) sing all but the final track on the album. That song was sung by Ken Tamplin (another hired gun). Do you question whether or not that self-titled album is an actual Angelica album?
Nice story. If I am not mistaken , Ken sung on the last song as Rob Rock wasn't available anymore and Ken Tampon was the producer of the album.
Uhh... That name's kind of off
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Rank the Tourniquet Albums  - Page 4 Empty Re: Rank the Tourniquet Albums

Post by StevenCressler Mon May 20, 2024 1:57 am

9. Crawl to China
It's a good album with great lyrics, but it's still sub-par TQT and I prefer the other albums.

8. Gazing at Medusa
I feel like not enough tracks stand out, but it's solid thrash. Good vocals, though they can't beat the greats of Guy Gary and Luke.

7. Vanishing Lessons
Similar to C2C, but it's overall heavier and has consistently great choruses.

6. Where Moth and Rust Destroy
Great solos due to Marty. The riffs are often a little slow to my taste but great and melodic. Drawn and Quartered is one of my favorite TQT songs.

5. Antiseptic Bloodbath
This whole album has an intriguing, almost sick sound to it, especially the title track. Luke's rough sherry vocals singing melodic choruses sounds interesting and this is also their most symphonic album. And I love symphonic metal.

4. Psycho Surgery
The ones above have less below-average tracks (tho everything on PS is still really good), but this album does have my fav TQT vocals (I love Guy's goblin-like Mustaine-esque sound). BC is my favorite TQT song and one of my favorite songs ever.

3. Pathogenic Occular Dissonence
Masterpiece songwriting from beginning to end. Amazing metaphorical lyrics throughout, and possibly their thrashiest album? Also great expiremental elements, especially in my fav on the album, The Skeezix Dilemma.

2. Microscopic View of a Telescopic Realm
Hot take having it this high but whatever. I love the experimental elements on here. Great lyrics as always for TQT. Tomb of Gilgamesh is my #2 song from them.

1. Stop the Bleeding
There's something special to the melodies in this album that I just don't get anywhere else. Either this or WMaRD has the bands best solos. Absolute masterpiece album.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Rank the Tourniquet Albums  - Page 4 Empty Re: Rank the Tourniquet Albums

Post by BaleMaster Mon May 20, 2024 9:35 pm

StevenCressler wrote:
Second Wind wrote:
Luke Easter wrote:
Bahana wrote:
Luke Easter wrote:
Bahana wrote:Do you consider Gazing at Medusa to be a Tourniquet album since most of the lead vocals were done by guests?
That's a really weird question. It was marketed as one from the jump, so I don't see how you'd think it was anything other.

The lead vocal sound is closely tied to the identity of the band. That was lost on Gazing at Medusa. Just my opinion...of course.

I don't disagree with you, but at the same time it was marketed as a band release from the outset, so I don't see the point in questioning that. Angelica's debut had Rob Rock (a hired gun) sing all but the final track on the album. That song was sung by Ken Tamplin (another hired gun). Do you question whether or not that self-titled album is an actual Angelica album?
Nice story. If I am not mistaken , Ken sung on the last song as Rob Rock wasn't available anymore and Ken Tampon was the producer of the album.
Uhh... That name's kind of off
Probably an  autocorrect malfunction.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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