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Post by sentient 6 Fri May 10, 2019 2:05 pm

In my opinion this album ( also their 2nd one for metal blade ) deserves the same notoriety ( the good kind ) as Obituary, Deceased, or Sadus.

...if you like your thrash metal on the death metal tip ( or vice versa ), check out Epidemics stuff. The lyrics are on the darker/bleake side, but the music and vocals are awesome.
sentient 6
sentient 6
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Post by Black Rider Sun May 12, 2019 5:35 pm

Interesting, really sounds like old Obituary in vox.
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Post by xMetalMarkx Sun May 12, 2019 5:38 pm

I agree with you that this album deserves more recognition.  I overlooked it back when it came out, but revisited it a while back through a "great thrash you may have missed" article somewhere and promptly picked up the Dark Symphonies remastered re-release.  Furious!
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Post by sentient 6 Sun May 12, 2019 7:50 pm

This from their second record ( and last ) for Metal Blade. Exit Paradise is just as worthy as the Decameron.

sentient 6
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Post by sentient 6 Sun May 12, 2019 7:51 pm

Black Rider wrote:Interesting, really sounds like old Obituary in vox.

Yeah, you can tell that they were one of their influences.
sentient 6
sentient 6
Sacred Metal Prophet
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Post by sentient 6 Sun May 12, 2019 7:59 pm

xMetalMarkx wrote:I agree with you that this album deserves more recognition.  I overlooked it back when it came out, but revisited it a while back through a "great thrash you may have missed" article somewhere and promptly picked up the Dark Symphonies remastered re-release.  Furious!

Yep. Have you checked out Exit paradise ? Its really good as well.
sentient 6
sentient 6
Sacred Metal Prophet
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Post by xMetalMarkx Thu May 23, 2019 6:32 pm

sentient 6 wrote:
xMetalMarkx wrote:I agree with you that this album deserves more recognition.  I overlooked it back when it came out, but revisited it a while back through a "great thrash you may have missed" article somewhere and promptly picked up the Dark Symphonies remastered re-release.  Furious!

Yep. Have you checked out Exit paradise ? Its really good as well.
Sorry I didn't notice your reply until now.  Yes, I checked out Exit Paradise at the time I picked up Decameron, and I didn't find it nearly as enjoyable, mostly due to the significant down-shifting to consistent mid-tempos which I don't particularly dig for this vein of music.  Demolition Hammer made the same shift between their 2nd and 3rd albums (in the same years, even) and I found the third album a big disappointment on the heels of Epidemic of Violence, for that reason.  Metal 2
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