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Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album.

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Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album. Empty Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album.

Post by Lex Metalis Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:05 am

Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album. Implem11

After a long waiting, finally the brazilian death metal band Implement release your first full lenght, called "Bleeding Alone".

With the production started in 2016 in Mr. Prog. Studio in their homeland Recife and with the production, mix and master by Nenel Lucena (Bride, N.O.G), the album shows us a poweful death metal sound with elements of thrash metal and grindcore, indicated for fans of Deicide, Cannibal Corpse and Crimson Thorn.

The drummer Angelo Acacio says that this period marks "the beginning of a new age,because this cd shows all our evolution, experience and professionalism that the band achieved in almost 17 years of existence".

Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album. Bleedi10

"Bleeding Alone" was released in a 6 panel digipack with a 12 page bookleth with your cover art and graphic work made by vocalist/bassist Ivan Ribeiro and it's available now on the brazilian market, but the band are searching for a label to release the album in the international market.

Implement are:

Ivan Ribeiro: Vocal/Bass
Márcio Ananias: Guitar
Angelo Acácio: Drums

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Instagram: @implementdeath

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Press Office: Lex Metalis Assessoria

Instagram: @lexmetalisaa
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Lex Metalis
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album. Empty Re: Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album.

Post by Lex Metalis Mon Jul 15, 2019 3:19 pm

Now on digital platforms

Youtube Music:
Google Play:
Cd Baby:  
Lex Metalis
Lex Metalis
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album. Empty Re: Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album.

Post by Lex Metalis Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:28 pm

An old drum cam video that was recently uploaded...
Lex Metalis
Lex Metalis
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album. Empty Re: Implement: brazilian death metal band release "Bleeding Alone" album.

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