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Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil"

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Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil" Empty Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil"

Post by Lex Metalis Thu May 14, 2020 5:22 pm

Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil" A4265235886_16

1. Foolish Evildoers 01:51
2. Mercenary Pastor 04:16
3. Stand Up 01:03
4. Bastard Boss 03:25
5. You Will Be Hated 04:21
6. Fast Food 04:46
7. Global Warming 04:21
8. God is Alive 03:45
9. Rotten MTV 03:57
10. Fatality Brutality 04:08
11. Globo 03:48
12. Dilacerated 03:06
13. Public Static Protected 04:04
14. 777 03:12

Recorded in July 2010 at Community of Metanoia in Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil

All songs composed by Krig

Krig are:
Daniel Corpse – Vocal
Jully Soares – Bass
Vinicius Soares – Drum
Isaque Soares – Guitar

Production: Isaque
Mixing and mastering: Isaque
Graphic art: Isaque Soares
Back Cover art: Ralph Damiani
Krig Logo: Wilson Aguanta
Krig Logo Texture and Cover Texture: Sirius Sdz
Cover Photos: Rafael Cardias
Lex Metalis
Lex Metalis
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil" Empty Re: Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil"

Post by Julio Fri May 22, 2020 4:15 am

Fazia tempo que não lançavam nada. E isso foi uma grata surpresa. Tomara que venha material novo depois desse lançamento.
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil" Empty Re: Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil"

Post by Lex Metalis Fri May 22, 2020 9:42 am

Vai ter sim. Estão preparando um EP de inéditas
Lex Metalis
Lex Metalis
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Join date : 2015-12-10
Age : 34
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Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil" Empty Re: Krig (Death Metal) release new bootleg album, "Live In Brazil"

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