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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:35 pm

I see the release date is still TBA...

Does anyone have any updates on it? Are they still doing it?

Here is some older Trytan if you don't know who they are..


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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by eatbugs Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:51 pm

I didn't know about this!

I just checked their Facebook page (yes, one exists).  It says:

"NEW Trytan “Blood of Kings” writing workshops everyday in the Underground Pre Production Studio. We recently started tracking rough tracks & drums at EGK for the first song ‘The Descender’ and the drum sounds and performance were absolutely unbelievable and breathtaking. Eric is beyond extraordinary. And Jim LaVerde (bass/vocals) started writing his parts for the track. I’m so thankful & pumped. This album is going to be so tough & strong! I’m thankful for the team that the Lord has assembled. My oldest son Steven and ministry/music partner Mike Sandt have been integral in helping me with some of the writing workshops and pre-recording.
The final sessions at EGK resume in late April or May!"

Holy Unblack Knight
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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:14 pm

eatbugs wrote:I didn't know about this!

I just checked their Facebook page (yes, one exists).  It says:

"NEW Trytan “Blood of Kings” writing workshops everyday in the Underground Pre Production Studio. We recently started tracking rough tracks & drums at EGK for the first song ‘The Descender’ and the drum sounds and performance were absolutely unbelievable and breathtaking. Eric is beyond extraordinary. And Jim LaVerde (bass/vocals) started writing his parts for the track. I’m so thankful & pumped. This album is going to be so tough & strong! I’m thankful for the team that the Lord has assembled. My oldest son Steven and ministry/music partner Mike Sandt have been integral in helping me with some of the writing workshops and pre-recording.
The final sessions at EGK resume in late April or May!"

Oh wow..thanks for the update..that is great news

That also answers another I guess since Jim LaVerde is with them that Barren Cross is definitely done.


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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Superjuice Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:57 pm

Hoping for a Hemispheres or Permanent Waves era sound
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:33 pm

Superjuice wrote:Hoping for a Hemispheres or Permanent Waves era sound

Here's a little sample of the guitar sound they are working with

Facebook Video -CLICK HERE!


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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by eatbugs Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:18 am

I think they were anyway.

Some guys are in multiple bands at once so there's no reason he couldn't be too.  With zero news from BC in a long time, I assume they are done.

Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Superjuice Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:12 pm

Bought4Life wrote:
Superjuice wrote:Hoping for a Hemispheres or Permanent Waves era sound

Here's a little sample of the guitar sound they are working with

Facebook Video -CLICK HERE!
I like the tone.  Hopefully it's more prog metal and not the genero-metal on Sylentiger.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by deathisgain Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:39 pm

I never really could get into them back in the day. Some of it was the production. If that is the guitar sound and solo style, then I will probably be out on this one.
The Warpriest, bringer ov DOOM (finally)

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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Guest Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:29 am

Superjuice wrote:
Bought4Life wrote:
Superjuice wrote:Hoping for a Hemispheres or Permanent Waves era sound

Here's a little sample of the guitar sound they are working with

Facebook Video -CLICK HERE!
I like the tone.  Hopefully it's more prog metal and not the genero-metal on Sylentiger.

I could never get into Sylentiger back when it came out...though I like it better today (at least more than I used to).

I really loved their first album, though.

Which is surprising, since I am not a fan of Rush (a couple songs I like, and that's it) and they sound very similar to that.


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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Black Rider Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:09 pm

If the vox didn't resemble Geddy Lee they wouldn't get compared too much to Rush, the music is more 80's metal. I enjoy their albums, hoping the new stuff isn't too different.
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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Guest Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:17 pm

Lary's now saying summer 2020 at the latest.


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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Black Rider Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:36 pm

Hope he's right, I'm not getting any younger.  Very Happy
Black Rider
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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

Post by Guest Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:55 pm

Considering there was some sort of major flooding in Lary's studio this year, I'm willing to cut him some slack. Smile


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Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"? Empty Re: Any news on the new Trytan release "Blood of Kings"?

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