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11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal?

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11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal? Empty 11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal?

Post by New Creation Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:23 pm

Is this a good deal? I own none of them. Are CDs the only formats or are some of these streamable via Google Play Music or similar services?
New Creation
New Creation
Holy Unblack Knight
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11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal? Empty Re: 11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal?

Post by Kerrick Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:27 pm

It's a pretty good deal... if you like the music!  I own They Wither's EP and it's very good.  I was considering getting the Cerimonial Sacred albums too because I think they sound pretty good.  I never got into the other bands' music but most of those are generally well respected Christian black metal bands.  I've heard positive things about the new Demoniciduth as well.

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11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal? Empty Re: 11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal?

Post by ThomasEversole Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:30 pm

Yes. It is a good deal. Smile
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal? Empty Re: 11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal?

Post by messiaen77 Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:08 pm

It's less than $4 an album.  Even if only half of them are good, that's $8 a disc and you can sell the others.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal? Empty Re: 11 unblack CDs for $40??? is this good deal?

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