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Bands whose albums you purchased for the first time this year

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Bands whose albums you purchased for the first time this year Empty Bands whose albums you purchased for the first time this year

Post by WildWorld Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:58 pm

Didnt know how to word the header, but what are a band who you've never owned an album from before this year? They dont necessarily have to have come out this year either. This year i purchased my first albums from:
Falconer (Grime vs Grandeur)
Live (Throwing Copper)
Madonna (The Immaculate Collection)
Pavement (Wowee Zowie)
Shinedown (The Sound of Madness)
12 Stones (Anthem for the Underdog)
Not much metal i know (which is why i posted this in not metal), but I didnt buy much music this year to be honest, and the rest of the stuff I bought were from bands I already owned albums from.

Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Bands whose albums you purchased for the first time this year Empty Re: Bands whose albums you purchased for the first time this year

Post by alldatndensum Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:48 pm

I bought two albums by Crowder this year.  I hadn't heard any of his music since the David Crowder Band disbanded.  I like his new stuff but couldn't really get into the DCB that much.
Mullet Wig King

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Bands whose albums you purchased for the first time this year Empty Re: Bands whose albums you purchased for the first time this year

Post by eatbugs Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:42 pm

Rob Rock's solo stuff (I have many of him in a band.  I know...I know... Embarassed ).

Honorable mention to Mad At the World.
I have had the Through the Forest cassette for years but tapes are hard to listen to at my house.  Flowers In the Rain is the first CD I've purchased.

Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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