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Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered?

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Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered? Empty Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:30 pm

Have you ever thought of this? All of their albums are out of print, there aren't digital files for sale on iTunes and other midia.

I guess there would be a good idea to remaster these albums. any thoughts?


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Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered? Empty Re: Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered?

Post by Staybrite Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:40 pm

I would certainly be cool to have their first full-length (self-titled) album remastered...especially if they could add the tracks from the Premium Cuts compilation.
As much as I personally liked their "Torn" album I don't there would be a big enough demand to remaster and sell that one (but I'd buy it).
Holy Unblack Knight
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Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered? Empty Re: Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered?

Post by Follower of Jesus Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:44 pm

M8 did reissue the first record some time back. That's how I have it. My guess is that there wouldn't be sufficient demand for it. I believe Retroactive and Roxx have lost money on the re-releases of the more obscure bands.
Follower of Jesus
Follower of Jesus
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered? Empty Re: Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered?

Post by Staybrite Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:00 pm

Follower of Jesus wrote:M8 did reissue the first record some time back. That's how I have it. ...

That's the version I have as well...but the sound quality doesn't lead me to believe anyone spent any serious time remastering the recording.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered? Empty Re: Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered?

Post by alldatndensum Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:22 pm

I have the M8 version of Neon Cross' first album as well.  I think that the sound could be improved.

What I would really LOVE to hear is some new Neon Cross.  We were told it was coming many years ago, but that has never materialized.
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Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered? Empty Re: Why didn't any of Neon Cross albums get remastered?

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