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One Bad Pig - New album, new drummer

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One Bad Pig - New album, new drummer Empty One Bad Pig - New album, new drummer

Post by Pershing1134 Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:38 am

This is from Paul Raraback (Grammatrain, Bloodgood, Red Reign, Paragon):

There ya go folks it's officially "out of the pen" I'm the new drummer for punk rock band One Bad Pig! I met these guys in the 90's when I was touring with Bloodgood, and when I moved to Austin Lee Haley and Daniel Tucek and I became good friends. We're in pre-production now for a new record and I'll be performing at AudioFeed in Illinois and a few other shows here and there this summer. I'm looking forward to spending some time on the road with these guys and sharing the making of a record in the studio. Due to the speed and energy it requires to perform these songs it's taken me back to the early days of Grammatrain when we wrote songs like "Sick of Will", and "Jerky Love Song"! Please pray that God will hold my body together - it is taking "one bad beating!"
Seasoned Guardian
Seasoned Guardian

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One Bad Pig - New album, new drummer Empty Re: One Bad Pig - New album, new drummer

Post by Guest Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:38 pm

Wow! New Pig music!!!

I'm happy about that!



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