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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) Empty What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:01 pm

As there are apparently hundreds of bands with the name Messenger, I want to know about that one who has released twoi albums in the last few years:

I am Talking to You and You Choose.

I was just revisting I am talking to you and it made me remind how great this band is.

Does anyuone know their status? Did they split up?

Last edited by Thiago-Brazil on Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total


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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) Empty Re: What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

Post by crucifyd Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:29 pm

check under "Related Links" tab for a bunch of pages on the band...
Metal Warrior
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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) Empty Re: What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:45 pm

Thanks for the tip!
It looks like they are still active and playing live songs. But it is almost four year since their last release. I hope they come with new material soon.


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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) Empty Re: What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

Post by MikeInFla Sun Feb 21, 2016 7:41 am

You're right, there are tons of bands with that name and I thought you were referring to this one:

This is more along the lines of pop metal/80's hair band style (which I love, when I heard one of the songs from this one I bought the download).
Holy Unblack Knight
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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) Empty Re: What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

Post by oldschooldoom Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:51 pm

The lead singer is having some health problems recently.
Sacred Metal Prophet
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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) Empty Re: What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:31 pm

Too sad! Let's pray for his him to get better soon! (and release brand new music)


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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) Empty Re: What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

Post by oldschooldoom Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:16 am

The band is still together. They have gone through some line-up changes but retain the original singer and guitarist. They play locally in the Maryland area. I finally saw them perform recently!

I'm in the yellow Cornerstone shirt What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) PbVpttu
Sacred Metal Prophet
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What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose) Empty Re: What is up with the band Messenger? (The one who released I am Talking to You and You Choose)

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