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God's Equation - Progressive Metal

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God's Equation - Progressive Metal Empty God's Equation - Progressive Metal

Post by Devon Hill Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:39 am

I've never heard of these guys before, but apparently they released a demo in 2010.  I like it.  It was just uploaded to youtube a couple days ago.  Anybody else heard of them or know anything about them?  Barely anything is on the internet.

Lyrics are here.

Devon Hill
Devon Hill
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God's Equation - Progressive Metal Empty Re: God's Equation - Progressive Metal

Post by Pershing1134 Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:23 pm

Never heard of them before, but their blog says their band name was "Continuum" before changing it to "God's Equation". Maybe someone knows of them under that name? Country of origin is Brazil.
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God's Equation - Progressive Metal Empty Re: God's Equation - Progressive Metal

Post by Superjuice Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:52 am

God's Equation is also the name of a Pagan's Mind song, so maybe they are heavily influenced by that band.
Holy Unblack Knight
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God's Equation - Progressive Metal Empty Re: God's Equation - Progressive Metal

Post by Guest Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:04 pm

Superjuice wrote:God's Equation is also the name of a Pagan's Mind song, so maybe they are heavily influenced by that band.

That was my immediate thought too! I love Pagan's Mind! Twisted Evil


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God's Equation - Progressive Metal Empty Re: God's Equation - Progressive Metal

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