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Made some workout videos this morning...

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Made some workout videos this morning... Empty Made some workout videos this morning...

Post by ThomasEversole Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:17 am

I figured it was overdue to make and post some workout videos.  (since the last ones I did were literally 5+ years ago)
I didn't pick the music by the way.  That's just what the gym radio was set on.  HAHA!

Here's a set of 10 reps with lateral pulldowns with 365lbs.

Here's me doing a set of dumbbell rows - 7 reps each arm.  (with a 140lb dumbbell)

Can't post work out videos without posting one for bench press!  
Here's one set of 10 reps of 315lbs.

Feel free to post your own workout videos!
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Age : 44

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Made some workout videos this morning... Empty Re: Made some workout videos this morning...

Post by Guest Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:38 pm

315x10 puts you in the ballpark of a 420  one rep max. If your squat and deadlift are north of that, you could consider competing in raw natural powerlifting. If you can press 400, you should be able to squat 500 and pull 600, or work up to those numbers. A 1500 total isn't bad at all.


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Made some workout videos this morning... Empty Re: Made some workout videos this morning...

Post by ThomasEversole Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:59 pm

I don't go above 365lbs anymore after a shoulder injury several years ago. ...something I still "feel" every time I lift, and I don't want to be in that position, so I'm careful.

I've gotten 425lbs before, but my best was 405lbs for 3 reps.

...but I'm not a professional lifter, nor do I want to be. I'm content just being in the 300 club and I just want to use the strength God gave me.

My squats are actually on par with my bench. (315lbs for 10 reps) ...I'd like to mention that I NEVER squatted before this year because, like my father, I have a horrible back. ...but a doctor told me (since I sit sit sit at a computer all day for work) I NEED to exercise my back, or I'm going to have serious problems later in life.

(like my dad was having - because he was TOO careful)

Believe it or not, January, I was struggling with 95lbs on the squat bar. 315lbs came quick, (got it regularly the beginning of last month) and I feel great.

Again, I just want to be healthy and feel good.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Age : 44

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Made some workout videos this morning... Empty Re: Made some workout videos this morning...

Post by Guest Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:15 pm

Well you're still getting stronger working with reps, 315x1 isnt something I see much in the gym nevertheless x10. Raising the poundage is only one way to get stronger, if you keep the weight but add reps, you're still getting stronger. Probably better for your joints anyway to work the reps rather than pounds. And I certainly understand not wanting to revisit a shoulder injury and possibly surgery.


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Made some workout videos this morning... Empty Re: Made some workout videos this morning...

Post by ThomasEversole Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:11 am

I've actually made a point to regularly incorporate 365lbs as my second set into my flat bench days. Even though I would only lift that much as almost a special occasion only, I still did surprisingly well the last two times I've done it.

First time in months was 3 reps. 3 days later, I got 4 reps and the last push wasn't a struggle. (I just wasn't brave enough to go for 5 yet)
Statistically, that still puts me at a 1 rep max at 405lbs... not that I would probably try that again.

My best ever with 365lbs was 7 reps in a set. I imagine I'll get back to that pretty soon. Muscle memory and all...
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Join date : 2013-03-19
Age : 44

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