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HELP: Crystavox - Stand

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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty HELP: Crystavox - Stand

Post by Guest Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:44 pm

This was a new song that the band did and they gave it away as a free download back in 2011...

Does anyone have a link (a working link) to it now or is anyone willing to hook me up with it? Please  (and thanks in advance)

HELP: Crystavox - Stand Pwease10


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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty Re: HELP: Crystavox - Stand

Post by Guest Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:39 pm

I have never heard about this song, but I am interested as well.


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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty Re: HELP: Crystavox - Stand

Post by Staybrite Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:50 pm

I've never heard of it either.
Holy Unblack Knight
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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty Re: HELP: Crystavox - Stand

Post by Guest Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:56 pm

Doesn't a forum member run Untombed Webzine? This site indicates he had it at one time:

And at one point they were signed with Roxx Records

Maybe Bill knows where it can be found.


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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty Re: HELP: Crystavox - Stand

Post by Guest Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:17 am

BearDad wrote:Doesn't a forum member run Untombed Webzine? This site indicates he had it at one time:

And at one point they were signed with Roxx Records

Maybe Bill knows where it can be found.

Good idea, BearDad   Thumbs up


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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty Re: HELP: Crystavox - Stand

Post by Bill Roxx Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:47 am

I had to double check myself guys LOL. I have a digital copy of it but could not remember if it was on the bonus disc we did with 20 year mix or not. Sadly, it was not. It was released by the band a year or two after The 20 Year Mix release we did with them and only offered digitally on their website. I will ask and see if they mind me giving it out! 

Here is what was on the bonus disc back then in case your interested...
Bill Roxx
Bill Roxx
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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty Re: HELP: Crystavox - Stand

Post by Guest Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:52 am

Thanks for looking into it for us, Bill...

Hopefully they will say it's ok..which I would assume they would say since they gave it away as a free download to begin with. Here's hoping  Smile


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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty Re: HELP: Crystavox - Stand

Post by Guest Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:36 am

Bill Roxx wrote:I will ask and see if they mind me giving it out! 

That would be awesome! You should also invite them to the forum.


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HELP: Crystavox - Stand Empty Re: HELP: Crystavox - Stand

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