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Training with a lower back injury

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Training with a lower back injury Empty Training with a lower back injury

Post by Guest Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:42 pm

Can anyone recommend how I can train around a back strain? I started taking some anti inflammatory medication today and I feel a lot better than I did on friday night and saturday morning, but still a bit stiff.

I'm assuming the best thing I could do is concentrate on machine weights and just get through my sets rather than doing any free weights, especially with dumbells. I'm not sure how I will manage on back day which i tomorrow.
I've had back strains before and this one has resulted from poor deadlifting form, I haven't performed them in 2 weeks now, but I'm sure they contributed. I strained it while racking a 130kg bar after my squats on friday, I had my belt on too loose and my abs were relaxed and I twisted my hip as I racked it, that's how the injury occurred.


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Training with a lower back injury Empty Re: Training with a lower back injury

Post by Houstonmetalhed777 Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:55 pm

I would recommend investing in a foam roller as well as some racquet balls or tennis balls.

I would also recommend doing what is in the video above. I tried it yesterday and I felt really good afterwards.
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Join date : 2012-02-01

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