ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Christian Thrash Rules
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ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
What is everyone's opinion on this list? Good, bad, meh? (I also included the descriptions for each album given by ChatGPT)
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I'm going with meh. There are some good picks, but also some dumb picks like Morty - SOTM (because it's death not thrash, not because it's bad)
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1. Tourniquet - "Psycho Surgery" (1991): Known for its technical proficiency and intense lyrical content, "Psycho Surgery" is often hailed as one of the greatest Christian thrash metal albums of all time.
2. Deliverance - "Weapons of Our Warfare" (1990): Deliverance's sophomore album is a quintessential Christian thrash metal release, featuring fast-paced riffing and socially conscious lyrics.
3. Vengeance Rising - "Human Sacrifice" (1988): A groundbreaking release in Christian thrash metal, "Human Sacrifice" is notable for its aggressive sound and controversial themes.
4. Believer - "Sanity Obscure" (1990): "Sanity Obscure" showcases Believer's technical prowess and innovative approach to thrash metal, blending complex song structures with philosophical lyrics.
5. Sacrament - "Testimony of Apocalypse" (1990): Sacrament's debut album is a hidden gem of Christian thrash metal, featuring relentless speed and apocalyptic themes.
6. Mortification - "Scrolls of the Megilloth" (1992): Mortification's blend of death metal and thrash elements in "Scrolls of the Megilloth" made it a landmark album in Christian metal.
7. Living Sacrifice - "Reborn" (1997): While Living Sacrifice is primarily known for their death metal sound, "Reborn" incorporates thrash elements and is considered a classic in Christian metal.
8. Haven - "Your Dying Day" (1990): Haven's "Your Dying Day" is a lesser-known but highly respected Christian thrash metal album, featuring aggressive riffs and powerful vocals.
9. Detritus - "Perpetual Defiance" (1990): Detritus' debut album "Perpetual Defiance" is praised for its energetic thrash metal sound and thought-provoking lyrics.
10. X-Sinner - "Get It" (1989): X-Sinner's "Get It" combines hard rock and thrash metal influences, making it a standout release in Christian metal.
I'm going with meh. There are some good picks, but also some dumb picks like Morty - SOTM (because it's death not thrash, not because it's bad)
Christian Thrash Rules- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
No idea what all that crazy text is lol
Christian Thrash Rules- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Three of these releases are not like the others.
Maybe ChatGPT can start making compilation albums for out-of-touch label execs.
They make the same kind of moronic choices.
Maybe ChatGPT can start making compilation albums for out-of-touch label execs.
They make the same kind of moronic choices.
MagnusPrime- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Aside from the picks that aren't thrash, I don't know why it's calling WooW's lyrics socially conscious
MagnusPrime likes this post
Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
StevenCressler wrote:Aside from the picks that aren't thrash, I don't know why it's calling WooW's lyrics socially conscious
Because "socially conscious" is a catch-all buzz-phrase.
MagnusPrime- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
TrueMagnusPrime wrote:StevenCressler wrote:Aside from the picks that aren't thrash, I don't know why it's calling WooW's lyrics socially conscious
Because "socially conscious" is a catch-all buzz-phrase.
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Idk why it didn't put the S/T for LS
Christian Thrash Rules- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Ik. Reborn is a top Christian metalcore album, but it's not thrash.Christian Thrash Rules wrote:Idk why it didn't put the S/T for LS
Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Pretty good up to number 5, then it get questionable from there, not from a quality point of view, but not sure I would consider Mort - Scrolls, Haven, X-sinner and LS Reborn thrash
yaark- mallcore n00b
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Thought CMR had been hacked again by looking at the first post.
Anyone else??
Anyone else??
L8T- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
If I had to pick one core metal album to like, It would be Reborn from LS. When that album first cameo out I hadn't really heard anything quite like it, and it did blow my mind upon first listen. Unfortunately soon after the world was flooded with generic Metalcore bands and even LS stayed the course and watered it down to a more bland, generic metalcore sound.
Dustofyears- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
I really like For TodayDustofyears wrote:If I had to pick one core metal album to like, It would be Reborn from LS. When that album first cameo out I hadn't really heard anything quite like it, and it did blow my mind upon first listen. Unfortunately soon after the world was flooded with generic Metalcore bands and even LS stayed the course and watered it down to a more bland, generic metalcore sound.
Christian Thrash Rules- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Reborn is also my favorite core album, and my second would be The Hammering ProcessDustofyears wrote:If I had to pick one core metal album to like, It would be Reborn from LS. When that album first cameo out I hadn't really heard anything quite like it, and it did blow my mind upon first listen. Unfortunately soon after the world was flooded with generic Metalcore bands and even LS stayed the course and watered it down to a more bland, generic metalcore sound.
Superjuice and Dustofyears like this post
Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
My #1 metalcore album is Fight The Silence by For TodayStevenCressler wrote:Reborn is also my favorite core album, and my second would be The Hammering ProcessDustofyears wrote:If I had to pick one core metal album to like, It would be Reborn from LS. When that album first cameo out I hadn't really heard anything quite like it, and it did blow my mind upon first listen. Unfortunately soon after the world was flooded with generic Metalcore bands and even LS stayed the course and watered it down to a more bland, generic metalcore sound.
Christian Thrash Rules- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Christian Thrash Rules wrote:I really like For TodayDustofyears wrote:If I had to pick one core metal album to like, It would be Reborn from LS. When that album first cameo out I hadn't really heard anything quite like it, and it did blow my mind upon first listen. Unfortunately soon after the world was flooded with generic Metalcore bands and even LS stayed the course and watered it down to a more bland, generic metalcore sound.
Never heard of them. I'm thinking they are quite a recent band? By recent, I mean anything from the last 12 years or so... I stopped caring about new Christian metal sometime around 1999-2000; 'cept Seventh Angel's Dust of years album which I bought propper right quick!
Dustofyears- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
My philosophy: any list with Haven in it is a good list - regardless of context. You can never give Haven enough exposure.
Not gonna fight the machine's list (cuz I have a strange feelin' they might send a future cyborg to exterminate me).
Not gonna fight the machine's list (cuz I have a strange feelin' they might send a future cyborg to exterminate me).
Superjuice- Holy Unblack Knight
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Pethead, MagnusPrime and StevenCressler like this post
Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Yeah. They started, 08?Dustofyears wrote:Christian Thrash Rules wrote:I really like For TodayDustofyears wrote:If I had to pick one core metal album to like, It would be Reborn from LS. When that album first cameo out I hadn't really heard anything quite like it, and it did blow my mind upon first listen. Unfortunately soon after the world was flooded with generic Metalcore bands and even LS stayed the course and watered it down to a more bland, generic metalcore sound.
Never heard of them. I'm thinking they are quite a recent band? By recent, I mean anything from the last 12 years or so... I stopped caring about new Christian metal sometime around 1999-2000; 'cept Seventh Angel's Dust of years album which I bought propper right quick!
Christian Thrash Rules- Holy Unblack Knight
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Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Since when do Haven have agressive riffs? Great band, but ...
Pethead, StevenCressler and Legitwafflez like this post
Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
More evidence that ChatGPT is overrated crap.
Amazing how persuasive hype is.
Amazing how persuasive hype is.
Pethead likes this post
Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
Shhh…Skynet will hear you.Temple of Blood wrote:More evidence that ChatGPT is overrated crap.
Amazing how persuasive hype is.
Superjuice and StevenCressler like this post
Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
It's all about perspective... obv it's not as smart as a human, but it's still incredible technology.Temple of Blood wrote:More evidence that ChatGPT is overrated crap.
Amazing how persuasive hype is.
Re: ChatGPT's Top Ten Christian Thrash Metal Albums
I'm the only one that voted 'good' and, thus, will be the lone survivor of the Cyberdyne revolution.
I welcome my new mecha masters with open arms as a servile flesh puppet.
I welcome my new mecha masters with open arms as a servile flesh puppet.
Superjuice- Holy Unblack Knight
- Posts : 2732
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