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New Boss Noise Gate Pedal for live riffing

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New Boss Noise Gate Pedal for live riffing Empty New Boss Noise Gate Pedal for live riffing

Post by Sevenoneself Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:34 pm

Just saw this last night. Boss has a new model of Noise Gate (NS-1X) that has, in their words:
  • "Gate mode provides ultra-fast noise elimination for tapping, sweep picking, and heavy rhythm styles that rely on high-gain tones".

I remember all the work I did editing the guitars on my album so that the chugging power chords had silence between each one, so that they were crisp and powerful. I'd be very interesting in seeing how well this works in live situations. There's so many pedals that are just copies  and clones; this one might add something new to the pedal world!

New Boss Noise Gate Pedal for live riffing 2023-GPX-Boss-NS-1X-Noise-Suppressor-700
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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New Boss Noise Gate Pedal for live riffing Empty Re: New Boss Noise Gate Pedal for live riffing

Post by Constantine Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:38 pm

That does sound interesting.   I have 2 noise gate pedals, one from EHX, and I rarely use them for practice but I imagine they would be more useful for recording.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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