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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Contrarian Deist Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:36 pm

Are there any Christian swedish(buzzsaw) death metal bands? In the vein of early Entombed, Dismember, and Grave?

Contrarian Deist
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Guest Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:30 am

Only band I can think of that's even close to that is early Mortification. Not familiar with any Christian band that has that "Stockholm" sound. I don't keep up with the death scene as much as I used to. Maybe some of the Brazilian bands would have an old-school sound like that. I'll try to find some names for you, if others here don't beat me to it. Metal 1


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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Contrarian Deist Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:44 pm

UltraMagnus wrote:Only band I can think of that's even close to that is early Mortification. Not familiar with any Christian band that has that "Stockholm" sound. I don't keep up with the death scene as much as I used to. Maybe some of the Brazilian bands would have an old-school sound like that. I'll try to find some names for you, if others here don't beat me to it. Metal 1

I think early Mort was a actually alot more like ..on their first album akin to Teutonic thrash/death(Kreator/sodom/destruction/etc) and then scrolls was more akin to British DM like Benediction and Bolt Thrower with a little american brutal death metal influence, post momentary was prog/tech influenced dm. Blood world I'm not sure. Primitive rhythm was from what I remember pretty close to inspired by Chaos A,D. era Sepultura.

Thanks dude😉

Contrarian Deist
Holy Unblack Knight
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Contrarian Deist Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:45 pm

I remember Corpse- from the grave was a little swedish DM influenced but also had elements that reminded me of Butchered at birth era Cannibal corpse , kinda that meets Grave.

Perhaps Deuteronomium? I only know the song *tribal eagle* mind you(which btw, kick arse tune, really unique)..more like Finland-ish sounding DM, they were a unique sounding band, I never owned any of their album's unfortunately but I had a compilation that included Tribal Eagle on it.

Contrarian Deist
Holy Unblack Knight
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Black Rider Tue Dec 01, 2020 6:43 pm

Immortal Souls kind of has that sound and I also think Demon Hunter comes close on a few songs, but only a few. You might also check out Miseration with Jani Stefanovic and Christian Alvestam on vocals.
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Contrarian Deist Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:12 pm

Black Rider wrote:Immortal Souls kind of has that sound and I also think Demon Hunter comes close on a few songs, but only a few. You might also check out Miseration with Jani Stefanovic and Christian Alvestam on vocals.

I had the Immortal Souls/Mordecai split album back in the day. From what I recall Immortal Souls was more black metalish with only a slight dm influence. Maybe somewhere between early Amorphis melodic DM(but not really the buzzsaw classically swedish DM sound like Grave, Dismemberm Early Entombed) and BM.
Melodic death meets black(moreso bm).

Contrarian Deist
Holy Unblack Knight
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Black Rider Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:15 pm

Check out later Immortal Souls, Imo it kind of has a Dark Tranquillity vibe, especially the album IV. The Requiem for the Art of Death though not as heavy on the keys.
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Contrarian Deist Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:24 pm

Black Rider wrote:Check out later Immortal Souls, Imo it kind of has a Dark Tranquillity vibe, especially the album IV. The Requiem for the Art of Death though not as heavy on the keys.

Thanks, shall do.

Contrarian Deist
Holy Unblack Knight
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Contrarian Deist Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:26 pm

Although I'm kinda looking for the Christian equivalent of Early Entombed, Dismember, and Grave. Not just melodic death, but that classic swedish *buzzsaw* sound thing.

Contrarian Deist
Holy Unblack Knight
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by xMetalMarkx Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:45 pm

Early Entombed, Dismember, and Grave...some of the best DM, ever IMHO.  I'd be curious for others' recommendations along these lines, as well!  The closest I have in my collection is Purify Your Soul by Creation of Death, but it has a bit of an identity crisis with about 6 tunes being DM more in the vein of early Unleashed (with a thin recording reminiscent of the first Pestilence album) than Entombed/Dismember/Grave, and the other 4 less memorable tunes being more in the thrash vein.  As for the super HM-2 sound you're looking for, Maranatha is/was masterminded by a Christian, but is more in the Nails style than the classic Sunlight Studios DM: .  Hope this helps.
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Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands Empty Re: Are there any Christian swedish death metal bands

Post by Constantine Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:48 pm

Contrarian Deist wrote:Perhaps Deuteronomium? I only know the song *tribal eagle* mind you(which btw, kick arse tune, really unique)..more like Finland-ish sounding DM, they were a unique sounding band, I never owned any of their album's unfortunately but I had a compilation  that included Tribal Eagle on it.
Yes, give a listen to Deuteronomium's "Here To Stay."  It's probably a little closer to later-period Entombed, but it has that Swedish death metal tone.   I didn't care for Tribal Eagle, and the rest of their catalog is good but sounds different from "Here To Stay."
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