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TorrentiaL RIFF Episode 104 Fear Not EP review / CD give away

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TorrentiaL RIFF Episode 104 Fear Not EP review / CD give away Empty TorrentiaL RIFF Episode 104 Fear Not EP review / CD give away

Post by force perspective Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:24 pm

Hey guys check out the latest episode or TR. There is also a cd give away. Watch the episode to find put more info.

force perspective
force perspective
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TorrentiaL RIFF Episode 104 Fear Not EP review / CD give away Empty Re: TorrentiaL RIFF Episode 104 Fear Not EP review / CD give away

Post by Staybrite Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:36 pm

Totally digging your review videos (subscribed).
I might be in the minority, but I really dig this EP.  Doesn't it sound like the old Fear Not.....No....but I would rather have the band doing this kind of music with the new guy singing (and Larry still playing guitar)....then no music at all (because Larry doesn't think he can sing like the days of old).  Can you imagine if they put this album out and Larry tried to fake his way through the powerful vocals style from the first album and just couldn't do it?  People would be seriously bummed.  I hope they make more music because it sounds like they are having a blast.
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