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10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below."

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10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below." Empty 10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below."

Post by PlaceOfASkull Tue May 02, 2017 2:37 pm

Angelic Warlord says it was released today and others sites are saying it was April 24.
I have it and I think it's a good release.

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10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below." Empty Re: 10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below."

Post by Guest Wed May 03, 2017 7:46 pm

It is a VERY, VERY underrated album. I simply love it. It has all elements you could expect of Deliverance. It is still a regular listen nowadays.


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10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below." Empty Re: 10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below."

Post by TheOldMan2084 Thu May 04, 2017 7:39 am

Wow... has it been ten years already?! Honestly, this is not my favorite album by them. I think it has some great tracks, for sure, but the whole thing feels..."off" to me. Like, I can't even really explain it properly - it's like the feeling you get when your shoes are on the wrong feet. When I want my Deliverance fix I tend to go to this one the least. I liked Hear What I Say better. 

That being said, for me "worst" Deliverance is still better than the best of a lot of other music so...
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10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below." Empty Re: 10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below."

Post by Hardcore Christian Thu May 04, 2017 3:04 pm

Wow, that 10 years went fast

I really liked a few songs on this album and Hear What I Say!

But I rarely seem to spin them

I liked almost all the songs on Hear but rarely ever crave listening to it or this one

Here is to hoping the new one is a instant classic!
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10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below." Empty Re: 10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below."

Post by bjorn agin Wed May 10, 2017 12:55 am

I don't have this one. To be honest, listening to the Return To Form video above, the vocal delivery reminds me a little of XL & DBD in that it feels close to thrash/rap. I know it's not rap, but it has that feel to it.
bjorn agin
bjorn agin
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10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below." Empty Re: 10 Years Ago Today Deliverance released "As Above So Below."

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