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Prayer Request

sentient 6
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Prayer Request Empty Prayer Request

Post by Guest Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:14 am

Most of you guys don't know me or my situation but figure I would post it here.   My prayer request is for my 7 month old daughter Amelia.  While my wife was pregnant at the 20-22 week scan where gender is determined, etc they found a problem. At first they were saying that her heart shifted and stomach was level with her heart that there was a hole in her diaphram. They presented abortion (more than once) as a option, but this was not an option for either of us. We both believe Amelia is a miracle as my wife was told that she would most likely not be able to get pregnant.  Fast forward a couple weeks later, followup scan (given wifes age and this diagnosis wife got scans a couple times a week) Where we were told that the chances of my wife carrying her to term was very slim, other words they were telling us she probably would not survive. So you can imagine our devistation. We decided to get a 2nd opinion and went to Boston Children's Hospital. Where they did scans, fetal echos, cardiac scans and a MRI.  At the end of the tests the diagnosis was still serious but much less grim. They had found a collection of cysts around the lower lobe of her left lung.  So scans would have to measure ratio as anything at 1.6 and higher was dangerous and even possibly fatal to both mother and child.  At the diagnosis it was at 1.3....  By the time they were going to induce the ratio was like 0.9.  They were talking bout doing this at birth or around 6 months depending on how she was breathing. I was so flooded with relief when i heard that first cry it told me she was going to be ok. Theyre still talking surgery to remove these cysts.  On November 9th she is going for a CAT scan to plan the surgery out.   My prayer request is that when they do the scan that they find no issues with it and 2 perfectly working full lungs.  If this is not God's will my request is God will guide the surgeon's hands and give them wisdom and skill. That my baby girl would recover with no complications and comfort and peace would be given to me and my family.

If you want to know more check out our baby blog 

I am trusting for a miraculous healing but I know God's nature elludes me and that his will in the end be done and not mine.


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:04 pm

Definitely be keeping this in prayer bro! As you know, I've been standing with you in prayer for this from the beginning! I'm believing for a real miracle here! I'm believing that surgery won't be necessary, but if it is for some reason ... I pray that God would be with the surgeon and that all goes well!


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:43 am

RavenWolf wrote:Definitely be keeping this in prayer bro! As you know, I've been standing with you in prayer for this from the beginning! I'm believing for a real miracle here! I'm believing that surgery won't be necessary, but if it is for some reason ... I pray that God would be with the surgeon and that all goes well!

Words cannot express my gratitude bro, I am also believing that surgery wont be needed and have been praying as such since the beginning, but everything happens for a reason and while God's nature is beyond our comprehension his will not mine be done.


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Kerrick Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:19 pm

I'm praying for your daughter, wife, and you.  May God protect and heal Amelia and provide her abundant health.

Job 3:2

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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:05 pm

Kerrick wrote:I'm praying for your daughter, wife, and you.  May God protect and heal Amelia and provide her abundant health.
Amen Brotha Smile


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by sentient 6 Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:53 pm

I pray for Gods grace upon you and your family. Especially for your little girl ! I pray God will give you the strength to endure such hardships.
sentient 6
sentient 6
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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:09 pm

Praying for all of your family.

"Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power"!


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:12 pm

LemonMouse wrote:Praying for all of your family.

"Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power"!

Thanks man Thumbs up


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Athanasius Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:59 pm

Wow, that is quite story.  I pray that God will help your child and sustain your family through this difficult time.
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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:24 am

Thank you I appreciate all the well wishes and prayers


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by d@v!d Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:05 pm

I'll add you to my prayer list. Thank you for sharing.
Holy Unblack Knight
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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:51 am

Thanks for praying,  Nov 9th is coming up I am anxious and nervous as is my wife. Also just seems like that nobody in either my family or my wife's really have an idea on the seriousness of this condition.


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by BlackCowl Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:35 pm

From my family to yours, our prayers are with y'all.
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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:46 am

Thanks bro Smile


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by sentient 6 Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:57 pm

....still asking for Gods graces upon you and your family.
sentient 6
sentient 6
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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:04 pm

I just received an email from Aaron and he said it was ok if I posted this here. He is asking for all the prayer possible at this point.

Here's the message from Aaron:
Hey bro

So yesterday was the Cat Scan, they found 3 masses each at 1 and half centimeters. Looks like one is a "tumor on a tumor" she will need surgery before she is 2 but we are looking to seeing if it can be done in January. So please continue to pray for us as we will need it.

       If you want to post this on my prayer request thread or where ever you have my blessing to do so. I feel heartbroken as I had faith that nothing would be found, I feel heartbroken that my little girl has to go through this I am only happy that she should have no memory of it when older.  I know Amelia has a purpose and that God is in control and while my will is not being done but his I have to continue to trust that she will be alright. Anyways wanted to update ya bro

I let him know that we would be praying for Amelia and him!!!


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by MikeInFla Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:19 pm

Yep, prayers comin'! I can't imagine what it would be like for them but God has a plan.

Holy Unblack Knight
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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:44 pm

MikeInFla wrote:Yep, prayers comin'! I can't imagine what it would be like for them but God has a plan.


Yes He does! sunny


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Kerrick Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:07 pm

Thanks for keeping us posted RW!

Job 3:2

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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:43 pm

Should have an update on Jan 4th. Chances are I Wont be online during this time as the bulk of my time will be at the hospital or at home caring for our dogs.

I do have an additional request.  My wife has been spending the last year at work going above and beyond, volunteering her time (unpaid) and taking extra hours whenever available. trying to get in her boss' graces for a possible promotion, She works in a library and a Associate Director position is available my wife has applied as she has the education and is essentially already doing most of the work this entails.  Well 15 people applied, they are interviewing only 5, my wife is one of the 5. The interview is on the 19th a day before the surgery of my daughter. So you can imagine its going to be crazy chaotic at my house. My prayer request is that she does very well on the interview and that she essentially gets this job. It would bring our financial state up a few notches as we wouldnt be living on my income alone.  (she would probably make double what i make now) 

It would also give my wife a full time job which she has not had in over a year now. She likes to work so being a stay at home mom does make her stir crazy a bit


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:36 pm

Still praying for you bro! For your daughter's surgery and your wife to get the job she wants!

God bless!


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:38 am

Thanks Bro

Daughter has been cleared for surgery she might be in the hospital for as many as 5 days depending on the procedure and recovery, etc really wont know for sure until the surgery should know the night before when to be at the hospital. Was told the procedure could be done as short as 2 1/2 hours and can go as long as 5 hours.


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by sentient 6 Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:28 pm

Thanks for the update Aaron. Will continue to be in prayer for her and for you as well.
sentient 6
sentient 6
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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

Post by Guest Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:31 pm

Thanks bud I appreciate and covet all prayers


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Prayer Request Empty Re: Prayer Request

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