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Why are these CDs so hard to find...

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Why are these CDs so hard to find... Empty Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Post by Soldier777 2/9/2015, 8:09 pm

Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Rez Band - Hostage and Bootleg - these do exist on CD

Ken Tamplin - Colors of Chistmas, Where Love Is and Wierd Odds and Ends

I go to used stores like Brent's Music List and general sites like ebay and no luck. I even check Grrrr Records to see if they are reissuing the Rez CDs. I don't want free or paid legitimate downloads like iTunes - just a hard copy original CD. It's been years looking for these.

Are there anyone having the same issue with other CDs they are trying to find?
Holy Unblack Knight
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Why are these CDs so hard to find... Empty Re: Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Post by Throne of thorns 2/9/2015, 10:14 pm

I am going to get all of Rez stuff again on c.d. good stuff. Sorry can't help you though.
Throne of thorns
Throne of thorns
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Why are these CDs so hard to find... Empty Re: Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Post by bjorn agin 3/9/2015, 7:16 am

A lot of times I find going straight to the artist to get CD's will get you what you need long after other stores have run out of stock. 

That being said though, Grrrr Records doesn't have the CD's you are looking for, and I kind of doubt Glenn has piles of Rez discs sitting around.

Just about everything Ken Tamplin on the net points to his vocal academy. He used to have a web site for his music which I think is no more. I wonder if he has a Facebook presence where you could ask about them?
bjorn agin
bjorn agin
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Why are these CDs so hard to find... Empty Re: Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 9:23 am

Supply & Demand



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Why are these CDs so hard to find... Empty Re: Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Post by alldatndensum 3/9/2015, 10:24 pm

I'd like to get my hands on the Ken Tamplin "Weird Odds & Ends" disc.  It is hard to find as it was released as a CD-R from years ago.
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Why are these CDs so hard to find... Empty Re: Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Post by bjorn agin 4/9/2015, 7:48 am

alldatndensum wrote:I'd like to get my hands on the Ken Tamplin "Weird Odds & Ends" disc.  It is hard to find as it was released as a CD-R from years ago.

Funny, I did a search and one of the first results was a link to a post here in Peddler's Corner from 2013 where Soldier777 was selling a copy. Doh!
bjorn agin
bjorn agin
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Why are these CDs so hard to find... Empty Re: Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Post by mr_scary 13/9/2015, 10:35 am

I have both REZ on CD.  Got them a few months ago at a record store in Pittsburgh.  The owner had just acquired a lot of roughly 7,000 CDs in an estate sale and he had some incredible OOP CDs in there.  I picked up all the REZ, Larry Norman, Bloodgood, Phil Keaggy, Saviour Machine he had as well as Michael Omartian's White Horse/Adam Again 2on1 CD. Also got the import release of Rage of Angels. It was like hitting the jackpot and for the amount of CDs I grabbed, they came out to around $3.50 a CD.  I don't think I'll ever find something like that ever again.  Great day!
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Why are these CDs so hard to find... Empty Re: Why are these CDs so hard to find...

Post by Guest 13/9/2015, 3:32 pm

Honestly, they really aren't that good. I wouldn't pay much for them if I were you.

I used to have the Rez back when they first came but I got rid of them a long time ago


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