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"How To Play _______" videos for Christian Rock and Metal

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"How To Play _______" videos for Christian Rock and Metal Empty "How To Play _______" videos for Christian Rock and Metal

Post by Louder Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:40 pm

As a fairly crappy guitarist, I scour the internet to find out how to play stuff.  Videos like this are extremely helpful:

Unfortunately, "How To Play ______" videos for Christian Rock and Metal are pretty scarce.  There's a guy named Mike Gross who has tons of how-to videos, and he includes some Stryper and Whitecross, but I've found little else.  So I'd like to suggest that some of the talented guitarists here begin flooding YouTube with how-to videos for songs by Vengeance Rising, Tourniquet, Deliverance, Saint, Bloodgood, etc.
I mean, how's a guy supposed to learn how to play that weird harmony at the end of the opening riff of Believer's Not Even One without some kind of video cheat-sheet?
Seasoned Guardian
Seasoned Guardian

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