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My new one-man band's demo!

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My new  one-man band's demo! Empty My new one-man band's demo!

Post by humanantagonist Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:48 am

Check this out.

 It's a demo so I didn't include the vocals, they're more Deathcore-ish.

Totally accepting any criticism, i'm new registering but i've been around these forums for a while.  And because I do all  music parts, recording, mixing and such, I can put out tracks insanely fast.

There's a free download in the description too, i'm planning on making  it all free downloads  for some time to come.

Uploaded a new song, and edited my last one.

mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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My new  one-man band's demo! Empty Re: My new one-man band's demo!

Post by Through The Dark Radio Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:07 pm

I like Shattered.  There's some parts where the drumming seems out of place but overall, nicely done.  The guitar kinda reminds me of Transfigural Form.
Through The Dark Radio
Through The Dark Radio
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