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Annihilated Pentagram Productions

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Annihilated Pentagram Productions Empty Annihilated Pentagram Productions

Post by nocturnaliridescence Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:28 pm

Label aimed at the secular scene, not the Christian scene. However it's difficult to promote to that scene, so I'm here as well. APP is unashamedly Christian and unblack but often PURPOSELY seeks out the darkest stuff possible, and our entire aesthetic and "vibe" [so to speak] is obscure. Essentially "speaking the language" of the target demographic, while not being yoked with them. I ask that, if you know somebody who is on a dark spiritual path, you help me reach out to them with APP. The majority of APP stuff is raw/brutal black, but there's also ambient, noise, melodic, atmospheric, and more. I know for a fact that these styles are popular among the occult underground - I was once part of it. Also, probably like 1/3 of releases are free download. I truly hope that people here enjoy the music that is posted. However, please use Godly discernment, and never be ashamed of the convictions God places in your hearts.

Today's release:

+ Forestnorth - My Forest Home +

Dark, cold, raw Norwegian black metal.

Listen - [here]
Merch - [here]
CD-R will hopefully be released at some later point.

Annihilated Pentagram Productions A0508874390_14
Seasoned Guardian
Seasoned Guardian

Posts : 109
Join date : 2022-08-08
Location : The church of Ephesus

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