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Deliverance - The Subversive Kind NEW ALBUM

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Deliverance - The Subversive Kind NEW ALBUM Empty Deliverance - The Subversive Kind NEW ALBUM

Post by Hardcore Christian Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:04 pm

So after the successful crowdfunding they have just signed to Roxx
surprised this wasn't already posted!


The Subversive Kind’ is a true return to form for these Christian thrash pioneers, boosting 8 brand new tracks that truly bring the thrash back. Bill Bafford of Roxx Records had this to say about the new partnership ‘We are very excited to once again be partnering with 3 Frogz, Jimmy Brown and Deliverance to bring you this awesome new thrash release. The fans that have been requesting a ‘Weapons part 2’ will be ecstatic with this new release and I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this new album is the bands ‘Reign in Blood.’

Stay tuned as we prepare to bring you ‘The Subversive Kind’ in early 2018.

Hardcore Christian
Hardcore Christian
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Age : 24
Location : Walla Walla, WA

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