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Test boosters

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Test boosters Empty Test boosters

Post by Mr.Glass Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:48 pm

Anyone tried any of this? I'm trying to give myself a little extra oomph, but don't want to waste my money or take something that's going to be bad for me. Any thoughts, suggestions.

mallcore n00b
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Test boosters Empty Re: Test boosters

Post by arttieTHE1manparty Tue May 01, 2012 9:07 am

I've used Pink Magic and felt like I got a lot of good out of it the first time around, but follow-up cycles didn't seem to do much. It's all natural, herbal, and my doctor recommended I try it since I am now 42 and natural test levels are, of course, dropping and I have no desire to do test-replacement therapy.

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Test boosters Empty Re: Test boosters

Post by Guest Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:14 am

I started using a Bulgarian tribulus terrestris supplement this week. There are a lot of mixed reviews on it online, but I've been told personally that it is a good supplement, I'm being careful with it, because I've heard that your body can become dependent on it for test production, might go on 2 week cycles to start with.


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