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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

bjorn agin
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by Airola Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:39 am

He made this song for Rick Wilcox magic show:

Pretty cool track, but I'm sure many here will dislike it.

Also, Ted Kirkpatrick has confirmed that he is now writing music for a new Tourniquet album.
Here are the quotes:
"In between writing for the next Tourniquet album and other stuff, I wrote this tune at the request of my very good friend Rick Wilcox."

Someone then asked:
"writing for a new tourniquet album? or are you referring to antiseptic bloodbath?"

To which Ted replied:
"New Tourniquet album..!"

And then, someone asked:
"Will the new Tourniquet CD be heavy, or sound like this?"

Ted's reply:
"Um... this was just for a special request - so no - not anything like this - HEAVY!!!"

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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by bodachi Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:44 pm

Airola wrote:..."Will the new Tourniquet CD be heavy, or sound like this?"

Ted's reply:
"Um... this was just for a special request - so no - not anything like this - HEAVY!!!"
...and all God's people said, "Amen!"

Last edited by bodachi on Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : punctuation)
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by Nyx74 Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:34 pm

Amen! cheers
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by eatbugs Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:01 pm

I really, really, REALLY, want this to happen.  I've just seen too many "we're writing new material" statements to take it too seriously anymore.

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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by bjorn agin Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:01 am

After hearing Antiseptic Bloodbath I think I'll wait until the album comes out before I work up any excitement. I want to hear samples before I purchase.

And to be fair, that's the way I feel about any band I've been burned on. Hearing a band put out a bad album pretty much kills my excitement for newer material. I just listened to In The Kingdom by Whitecross yesterday. In retrospect it's not too bad of an album (standing on it's own when you don't compare it to earlier WC albums), but it did stop me from purchasing anything newer from the band after it came out because it was such a disappointment.

Last edited by bjorn agin on Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by Guest Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:11 pm

Good to know that they are working on a new album. But I confess I am not a big fan of Antiseptic bloodbath.

Still, the scene is stopped and there aren't great news, so this is a good one.


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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by Black Rider Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:50 pm

Hope it's not like the one he recently slapped the TQT name on, Onward to Freedom.
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by Guest Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:24 pm



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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by bjorn agin Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:45 am

Ted creating techno?!? Is he insane!?

Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Tedstr10

(Well ok. Ted's been posting pictures on Facebook recently. This was just a lame attempt to reuse one of them.) Very Happy
bjorn agin
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by Sir Shred A Lot Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:52 pm

He just posted this today:

Working on some really heavy music - and no, it's not about animals - haha! Ted

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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by 6stringgrind Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:14 am

Sir Shred A Lot wrote:He just posted this today:

Working on some really heavy music - and no, it's not about animals - haha! Ted

Surprising. I figured he was probably working on a 3-disc rock opera about Cecil the Lion.

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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by sentient 6 Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:06 pm

6stringgrind wrote:
Surprising. I figured he was probably working on a 3-disc rock opera about Cecil the Lion.

No, but I would bet there will be a least one song devoted to that particular incident.
sentient 6
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by eatbugs Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:39 am

sentient 6 wrote:
6stringgrind wrote:
Surprising. I figured he was probably working on a 3-disc rock opera about Cecil the Lion.

No, but I would bet there will be a least one song devoted to that particular incident.

I'm ok with that.  A song or two about animals on an album is ok, and I like to see Christians involved in social issues (even if I don't agree with Ted on everything).  But a whole album (or two counting TQT Ark) gets old.

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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by sentient 6 Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:37 am

eatbugs wrote:

I'm ok with that.  A song or two about animals on an album is ok, and I like to see Christians involved in social issues (even if I don't agree with Ted on everything).  But a whole album (or two counting TQT Ark) gets old.

What would you say if he doesn't write a song about the evils of Planed Parenthood as well though ?
sentient 6
sentient 6
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by Guest Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:53 am

eatbugs wrote:
sentient 6 wrote:
6stringgrind wrote:
Surprising. I figured he was probably working on a 3-disc rock opera about Cecil the Lion.

No, but I would bet there will be a least one song devoted to that particular incident.

I'm ok with that.  A song or two about animals on an album is ok, and I like to see Christians involved in social issues (even if I don't agree with Ted on everything).  But a whole album (or two counting TQT Ark) gets old.
Not to mention extremely preachy.


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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by bodachi Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:53 am

sentient 6 wrote:
eatbugs wrote:

I'm ok with that.  A song or two about animals on an album is ok, and I like to see Christians involved in social issues (even if I don't agree with Ted on everything).  But a whole album (or two counting TQT Ark) gets old.

What would you say if he doesn't write a song about the evils of Planed Parenthood as well though ?
There's a plethora of Christian bands that don't condemn abortion infanticide in their music.  Why single out Tourniquet?

Mr. Kirkpatrick feels his calling is to write songs about animal abuse.  I do not believe it is up to the fans to tell him what his songs' themes should be.

For the record, I agree with you that the murder of the unborn is a much greater sin than the (nonself-defensive) killing of any animal.
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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

Post by Guest Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:26 am

Why single out Tourniquet? Because they're one of the most vociferous, animal-rights-defending bands out there who preach that all life is allegedly sacred...only to IMO disproportionately skew the defense of ANIMAL life  in the argument.


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Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album) Empty Re: Ted Kirkpatrick's step into "techno" music (also, he's working on a new TQT album)

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