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Guitar instruction

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Guitar instruction Empty Guitar instruction

Post by d@v!d Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:50 am

About 5 years ago I was asked to play guitar to lead worship in a study group. I hadn't play hardly at all for the previous 14 years. I was hesitant because I really didn't enjoy playing anymore at the time. The good new is for the last 6 months or so, I've regained my passion of r playing and am enjoying it greatly. For all those years, most of my guitars were stored away and left to tarnish. Last months I gotten them out and cleaned them all and set them out where I can play them. Now, I've been using the internet to learn to play songs and learn new techniques. I thought I'd start a thread to share what I'm up to these days. I've found a few good instructional channels on youtube.

Lately I've been digging into Juanes. I really like his style and tones. Also, his music is challenging for me, but not so hard that I don't think I could ever learn it. I'm no shredder and doubt I'll even become one.

The first ones I wanted learn was 'A Dios Le Pido' and 'La Camisa Negra.' This guys does a good job of breaking them down.

I've got this one down fairly well now.

I'm still struggling with the 3 fret stretch double pull-offs. I can pull-off from 3 frets, but not with the middle one.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Guitar instruction Empty Re: Guitar instruction

Post by d@v!d Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:26 pm

Here's another that I'm working on that is quite challenging. 'La Tierra' by Ekhymosis (Juanes previous band.) I can play it all decently at slow speed, but still choke at original tempo.

You might notice these guys have different ways of approaching it. I prefer the 1st video's way, but the 2nd shows the other parts not given in the first.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Guitar instruction Empty Re: Guitar instruction

Post by Constantine Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:10 am

Your last post was 8 years ago - are you still playing?  

I too had put the guitar down for 14 years.  Didn't even miss it.  Thought I was done for good.

Then in 2021, I was cleaning up my Marshall amp to sell it, and checking out my guitar to see if it had survived all the cold winters (I only had 1 at the time).  I felt a desire to start playing again, but knew I wanted different equipment because I was not happy with what I had.

At the end of 2021 I bought a new (used) guitar and it really sparked my interest to play again.  I sold the Marshall amp and got a Peavey Bandit and a Fender Champion.  Went on to buy and sell more guitars and pedals from there, before landing on a few pieces that work for me.  Also a tuner pedal became essential; I wish I'd gotten one long ago.

Now I'm trying to expand my musical vocabulary and working with a scale book, chord charts and You Tube videos. Not every day but a few times a week.   Would ideally like to find an in-person instructor but so far that has not worked out.  In the meantime, I am a slow learner but getting better over time.  I'm also much happier playing blues, rock, jazz, etc.  I'm just not a good metal player and that was frustrating me for years.  Guess it took a long time to find my voice, the one that suited me.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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