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Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY!

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Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY! Empty Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY!

Post by Acuna Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:01 am

Hi everybody!

I made the list of what I need to have with trade. I have some absolutely rare releases which I can trade. Here is it:

Roots of Tragedy - Awakening Beyond
Shadows of Paragon - Shadows of Paragon (First rare demo)
Allsherjar ‎– Bevara Gud VĂ„rt Fosterland (pre-Shadows of Paragon)
Vaakevandring - Vaakevandring
Vaakevandring - Live at DP (Yep! Believe your eyes Wink )
Exaudi - Demo 2001 (Absolutely rariest first demo!)
Exaudi - Ein Stein (Sooo rare, but almost like new)
Vital Decision - Vital Decision (CD edition)
Pantokrator (Swe) - Sands of Time
Antestor - The Defeat of Satan (For 2 or 3 releases for trade only please)
Frosthardr - Necrodisaster
From Ashes - As the Leaves Fall
Bedeiah - Blood Metal (Yes, it's real :/ )

Yep, it's soooo cute, but I logicaly wanted the same rare one. Check it please:

Bedeiah - Loving Conviction (CD version only!)
Vaakevandring - Unreleased Demo (I know Smile But it'll be trade with my 2 trade list releases, okay)
Crimson Thorn - Purification + Live In Minneapolis (bought it by myself)
Brutal Arts - Gamle Kilder
Boanerges - It Began... (with inlay only!)
Holy Matrimony - As the Curtains Fall (I was told that seems it was not even released, so will be, will be)
Immortal Souls - Once Upon a Time in the North

And there is some other releases what I trade, but by special inquiry. Just PM me about it.

Thanks, and God bless!

Last edited by Acuna on Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:04 pm; edited 8 times in total
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY! Empty Re: Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY!

Post by Acuna Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:37 pm

Decided to bump it. Some CD's I've found, but ask me about what you want.

Last edited by Acuna on Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY! Empty Re: Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY!

Post by ThroughDarkness12 Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:11 pm

Pm sent!

mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY! Empty Re: Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY!

Post by Acuna Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:28 am

ThroughDarkness12 wrote:Pm sent!
Get it, thanks!
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY! Empty Re: Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY!

Post by Acuna Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:35 am

Thanks for your PMs guys, I've several similar questions from you about sell, so I decided to answer it here for everyone:

The only one reason why I want only to trade all of it, not sell it - because it's only one way to get what I want, because if I sell all of it - it will be impossible to get what I want, so please understand me right.

BUT! But. Of course I can buy the listed releases what I need, so contact me too if you have any of it.
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY! Empty Re: Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY!

Post by Acuna Thu Jul 08, 2021 11:58 am

Some items are gone, big thanks for ThroughDarkness12, our acquaintance is awesome! So thanksful to him for this.
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Join date : 2013-10-12

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Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY! Empty Re: Some absolutely rariest Christian CD's FOR TRADE ONLY!

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