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Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration

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Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration Empty Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration

Post by jwherley Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 17:23

So the other day, Saturday to be exact, I decided to restring my classical guitar. A new set of strings were long overdue. However, I could not get the G string to stay in tune. I was really frustrated after about 20 minutes. I picked the guitar up over my head, and it hit the ceiling fan. This left a big gash in the body. I was so defeated at this point that I took the guitar outside and smashed it in my driveway. I felt horrible afterwards. I still feel really bad about it. I feel like I betrayed myself since I was so excited to study classical guitar. My parents have hinted at getting me a new classical guitar for Christmas, but I almost don't feel worthy after my episode. Any consolation is helpful.
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration Empty Re: Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration

Post by Driven Tue 24 Mar 2015 - 15:57

What brand was the guitar?
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration Empty Re: Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration

Post by Leviathan's burning Sat 24 Oct 2015 - 2:42

Years ago I had a Hammer flying was like a 1300.00 dollar guitar..back when I was a teenager I did the same thing. I wasn't looking and it got wacked in the headstock by the ceiling fan putting a deep gash into it. I was able to mix some sawdust with woodglue and fill it in. that guitar was stolen when my house was burglarized.

I use to have a Gibson birdland. sunburst and that guitar was stolen I think by my sister when she had a drug problem many years ago. I forgave her.

My first guitar was an American made Telecaster and I kind of shared it with my dad. But he got mad at my mother and slammed it on the ground like a chopping ax totally destroying it. That guitar would be worth around 2 grand today. It was a vintage from theĀ  early 70s.. so altogether that's like over 4 thousand dollars worth of guitars lost for good.

But God is good and there was a time when I couldn't even afford a decent guitar for a while but now we have plenty. Dad bought another custom shop telecaster. I have a jackson and an SG I play thru mostly. You'll get over it. Just be grateful and try not to get so frustrated. Some days just be like that.
Leviathan's burning
Leviathan's burning
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration Empty Re: Smashed My Guitar Out of Frustration

Post by d@v!d Sat 24 Oct 2015 - 14:53

Leviathan's burning wrote:Years ago I had a Hammer flying was like a 1300.00 dollar guitar..back when I was a teenager I did the same thing. I wasn't looking and it got wacked in the headstock by the ceiling fan putting a deep gash into it. I was able to mix some sawdust with woodglue and fill it in. that guitar was stolen when my house was burglarized.

I use to have a Gibson birdland. sunburst and that guitar was stolen I think by my sister when she had a drug problem many years ago. I forgave her.

My first guitar was an American made Telecaster and I kind of shared it with my dad. But he got mad at my mother and slammed it on the ground like a chopping ax totally destroying it. That guitar would be worth around 2 grand today. It was a vintage from theĀ  early 70s.. so altogether that's like over 4 thousand dollars worth of guitars lost for good.

But God is good and there was a time when I couldn't even afford a decent guitar for a while but now we have plenty. Dad bought another custom shop telecaster. I have a jackson and an SG I play thru mostly. You'll get over it. Just be grateful and try not to get so frustrated. Some days just be like that.
Yeah, hindsight is 20/20
When I went to buy my first 'decent' guitar, my Korean made 87 BC rich Platinum Warlock, I was given an old Gibson Les Paul as a loaner until my 'new' one came in. I took it to my friends house whose dad was an old electronics guy. He looked at the wiring and told me it was something from the early 60's. The thing about it was that it was spray painted black, ugly and, to me, it weighed a 1000 pounds. When I went to return it, the seller offered it to me for $100. It played real nice and had a slim neck.

The other time I was practicing and decided to be lazy and not loop my cable through my strap and swung down, stepped on the cable, and swung up and cracked the front of my black RD. That's why there's a ND sticker over it.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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