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Musicians in Boston/NH area to collaborate

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Musicians in Boston/NH area to collaborate Empty Musicians in Boston/NH area to collaborate

Post by AlastairMeans Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:57 am

Anyone in northeast MA/southern NH interested in collaborating?

I need drums and a second guitarist for recording.  If it ever moved into a playing out phase I'd need bass as well.

The material I've written is a bit beyond me in the lead department, but it has to be that way, so I'd need a part time lead player to play the things that my fingers just won't do.  I need a drummer as well.

It's fast thrash with long arrangements, like Dark Angel, What A Joke era Deliverance, Sacrament, AJFA era Metallica, Thresher, early Megadeth, etc...

Lyrics are theologically based, and mostly dealing with refutation of various common heresies.

This a low key thing as I'm a super busy family man.  If it takes 10 years that's fine.  It's already been like 8.

Thanks for stopping by.
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Join date : 2014-03-08
Age : 42
Location : City of Boston, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, British Empire

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Musicians in Boston/NH area to collaborate Empty Re: Musicians in Boston/NH area to collaborate

Post by shekkian Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:35 pm

Hey, I'm in the area. I'm interested in checking out what you've got.

Send me a private message, and we'll talk.

Seasoned Guardian
Seasoned Guardian

Posts : 108
Join date : 2012-10-20
Age : 56
Location : Manchester NH

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