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Welcome to Christian Metal Realm (CMR)! It's a little early, but we've done some SERIOUS revision to the "rules" we run the joint with. PLEASE take just a few minutes to peruse them....
1) No posting/linking porn/gore/"shock" material. Doing so earns a one way ticket out of the Realm.
2) Please watch your language and attitude. While Christ was unafraid to toss around the occasional "brood of vipers" reference, He wasn't tossing salty language about with a loose tongue, either....and none of US are Christ. SOMETIMES, there isn't a "better way" to say things.....but guard your tongues and word your replies with this in mind. Just popping off with sarcasm and/or malice is NOT welcome here. If you're gonna be that way, the exits are here, here, here, here, here, here......ANYWHERE!!!! You can either use one, or be escorted to one......
3) We follow "Wheaton's Law" and "Bill and Ted's Axiom" around here. For those unfamiliar with the concepts, they can be paraphrased quite simple as "Don't be a jerk." and "Be excellent to each other." We also have a CMR corollary to those principles that simple states "an individual is not the final arbiter of whether or not they have violated "Wheaton's Law" or "Bill and Ted's Axiom", the Staff is. If the Staff finds and individual to be in violation of those principles, said individual is fully expected to knock it off/alter behavior/find an exit, and the judgement is NOT open for debate/discussion. It simply IS."
4) If you are found in violation of items 1-3 on this list, discipline up to and including banishment from the Realm and or IP ban may be administered, at SOLE judgement and discretion of the staff. Translation: we don't WANT to kick people out, but we are perfectly willing to amputate rather than let an infection ravage the body. DO NOT give us a reason to. Please......just don't.
5) Registration of multiple accounts it's not tolerated, if caught doing so, all accounts will result in instant banning.
6) Remember, this is a MUSIC forum, not a "theology" joint. Discuss what you will.....BUT......please don't flood the place with matters better left to face to face discussion with you pastor or church elders. This really isn't the place for it; the emphasis here needs to remain musically oriented.
7) Keep your signatures small and unobtrusive. No videos or giant pictures please.
Additionally, forum trolls and similar filthy creatures will be disposed of with extreme prejudice upon detection.
On that note, have fun storming the castle.
We appreciate your cooperation.
1) No posting/linking porn/gore/"shock" material. Doing so earns a one way ticket out of the Realm.
2) Please watch your language and attitude. While Christ was unafraid to toss around the occasional "brood of vipers" reference, He wasn't tossing salty language about with a loose tongue, either....and none of US are Christ. SOMETIMES, there isn't a "better way" to say things.....but guard your tongues and word your replies with this in mind. Just popping off with sarcasm and/or malice is NOT welcome here. If you're gonna be that way, the exits are here, here, here, here, here, here......ANYWHERE!!!! You can either use one, or be escorted to one......
3) We follow "Wheaton's Law" and "Bill and Ted's Axiom" around here. For those unfamiliar with the concepts, they can be paraphrased quite simple as "Don't be a jerk." and "Be excellent to each other." We also have a CMR corollary to those principles that simple states "an individual is not the final arbiter of whether or not they have violated "Wheaton's Law" or "Bill and Ted's Axiom", the Staff is. If the Staff finds and individual to be in violation of those principles, said individual is fully expected to knock it off/alter behavior/find an exit, and the judgement is NOT open for debate/discussion. It simply IS."
4) If you are found in violation of items 1-3 on this list, discipline up to and including banishment from the Realm and or IP ban may be administered, at SOLE judgement and discretion of the staff. Translation: we don't WANT to kick people out, but we are perfectly willing to amputate rather than let an infection ravage the body. DO NOT give us a reason to. Please......just don't.
5) Registration of multiple accounts it's not tolerated, if caught doing so, all accounts will result in instant banning.
6) Remember, this is a MUSIC forum, not a "theology" joint. Discuss what you will.....BUT......please don't flood the place with matters better left to face to face discussion with you pastor or church elders. This really isn't the place for it; the emphasis here needs to remain musically oriented.
7) Keep your signatures small and unobtrusive. No videos or giant pictures please.
Additionally, forum trolls and similar filthy creatures will be disposed of with extreme prejudice upon detection.
On that note, have fun storming the castle.
We appreciate your cooperation.
Last edited by Kerrick on Wed May 24, 2023 3:05 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added rule #7)
Grind4christ, Jim N. and Metaloman/Pacto de Sangre like this post
Kerrick- Tyrant
- Posts : 13518
Join date : 2012-06-26
Age : 38
Location : North Idaho
Staybrite and Follower of Jesus like this post
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