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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Black Rider
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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:54 pm

I LOVE this style of music. When I get burnt out on metal, this is usually what I listen to. Any other fans?

Here's some samples:


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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:16 pm

YES! Wovenhand and 16 Horsepower for the win!

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:56 pm

I am not familiar with this genre. Time to broaden my horizons.


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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by alldatndensum Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:47 pm

Tried the clips. Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called 344480821
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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Black Rider Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:26 pm

I enjoy some Wovenhand on occasion and I like a guy named Justin Townes Earl who plays a throwback kind of country. It's rare but sometimes I don't listen to metal.
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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:00 pm

I LOVE Wovenhand. I'm super excited for their upcoming album. Haven't heard of that Justin guy but perhaps I should check him out!

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:50 pm

You can listen to a song from Wovenhand's new album here.

You can also order all their albums from this site (which I highly suggest!).

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Guest Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:52 pm

Can someone help me out here? I heard a band in this genre recently that I really liked, but I do not remember their name. Here's what I do remember.

--They're from Canada
--Their lead singer died in a car accident last year
--They had the word "tree" in their name (I'm pretty sure)
--One of their music videos shows them playing their music on the front porch of an old cabin


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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:59 pm

Woods of Ypres. Haha definitely not gothic americana though!

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Guest Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:03 pm

That's them!!! Thank you so much.


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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:06 pm

You bet! Their first two albums were really good. I haven't listened to much of their newer stuff but what I did hear didn't compare to their old stuff (which was more black metal oriented).

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Guest Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:27 pm

What genre would you say their newer stuff is?


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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:14 pm

Hard to say... I dunno, they have (had) elements of depressive rock, black metal, and doom metal. I thought Pursuit... was a great album though. Their lyrics kinda turned me off of the band though, otherwise I'd probably still listen to them. I don't think there's anything specifically anti-Christian or anything, but just a bit too angry, mopey, and not that well written (IMO) for my tastes...

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:40 pm

Wovenhand's new album, The Laughing Stalk, is available to pre-order/instantly download! Unfortunately, the only physical release is a vinyl/CD combo... so if you don't have a vinyl player like me, you either gotta buy the combo or only the digital release! Sad

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by oteis Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:03 am

You can buy the european version. It's released on cd as well as vinyl here by Glitterhouse.
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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:52 am

Nice! Thanks; I had actually thought of looking there but figured they'd just have the same as Sounds Familyre. Haha it'd be just as expensive (a little more when you include shipping) but I just have no idea where I'd put a vinyl... I might just have to go for the European route. Thanks!

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by oteis Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:14 am

Or buy a recordplayer.
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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:40 am

If money grew on trees...

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:39 am

Well I decided to just get the CD from Europe. Just ordered it. Smile Looking forward to its arrival!

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Tobi Elektrik Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:57 pm

Kerrick wrote:Woods of Ypres. Haha definitely not gothic americana though!

Interesting to read their name here. I'm a huge fan of Woods Of Ypres and also enjoy stuff like Wovenhand. Both projects are very atmospheric. And while "depressive" fits as description for a lot of their stuff (especially the lyrics of WOY) both bands had a pretty uplifting effect on me in the last years.
No, you don't get into a happy mood but this kind of music helps to accept the bitter sides of life.

Another great artist is Michael Bradley. He released some awesome stuff with/as Myssouri and Antic Clay:

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Guest Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:46 am

I can't believe I forgot to add Gary Murray's name to this list!!!

His Revenant Waltz CD is technically in the alt-country genre but it will blow you away.


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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:57 am

Wovenhand's new album came in the mail yesterday... and wow, it is spectacular. I highly recommend it!

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Black Rider Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:18 am

Didn't know they had a knew one. Off to search.
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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Kerrick Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:57 am

Just bought a pair of tickets to see Wovenhand in San Francisco in December!!!

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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

Post by Black Rider Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:00 am

Very cool.
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Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called Empty Re: Gothic country, americana, or whatever it's called

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