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Cabinet IRs

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Cabinet IRs Empty Cabinet IRs

Post by Sevenoneself Tue Oct 15, 2024 3:43 pm

For those interested:

I just broke down and purchased some Cabinet Impulse Responses for my multi-effects pedal (GT-1000Core). Apparently IRs are supposed to greatly increase the natural soundingness of digital modelers. It wasn't very costly to go with the most recommended, York Audio. I bought the Boogie Oversize Cabinet IR. You get well over 50 IRs with the purchase--recorded with varying mics at varying placements, as well as some that include 2 mics mixed together.

Fore those interested, I'll let you know how they compare with the stock IRs. It'll take a few days to get them loaded and try them out.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Cabinet IRs Empty Re: Cabinet IRs

Post by Constantine Tue Oct 22, 2024 2:47 pm

I've heard that the York Audio IR's are top quality.  
I'll be interested in hearing your report when available.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Cabinet IRs Empty Re: Cabinet IRs

Post by Sevenoneself Tue Oct 22, 2024 4:40 pm

I've played with them a bit in the last week, but not nearly enough to review them. Some thoughts so far:

1) I was surprised to receive so many files. I received 50+ IRs in 3 categories: natural phase, minimum phase and mixes (2-3 mics mixed together). Each category comes with 5+ mics and each mic in different configurations.
2) Some of the IR's are VERY different from each other. It's quite something that we musicians will spend tons of time EQing and compressing a specific sound, and it doesn't even take a different speaker to sound completely different; all it takes is a different mic or moving the mic 12 inches away from the cone!
3) My multi-effects pedal, the GT1000Core can only load 16 IR's at a time. That makes it very cumbersome and clunky to test all these IR's, as you have to use a computer and BOSS's proprietary software to make the transfers. So in the coming weeks I'll get setup on my recording laptop to load through a DAW; that way I can just cycle through all 50+ of them.

I'd also like to download some older, lower end ones so I have something to compare the York IR's to.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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