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Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band

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Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band Empty Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band

Post by Revelation Signal Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:21 pm

Hi all, I strangely just stumbled across this site.

I've been working hard at trying to find my audience, and trying to determine if there is even an audience for what I'm doing.

My name is Tony and I created an alternative metal project called Revelation Signal. 

The purpose of Revelation Signal is threefold:

1) Proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus Christ
2) Encourage believers to occupy until He returns 
3) Inspire people to stand up for the Truth and Biblical values

I'm currently looking to be featured on podcasts to create awareness for this project.

Let me know if this sounds like something you all are interested in.

The music can all be found on Bandcamp. Some of the songs have been released on all streaming platforms, simply search for Revelation Signal. There is also a Youtube channel.

I'd be happy to chat or answer any questions.

Revelation Signal
Revelation Signal
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

Posts : 12
Join date : 2024-08-08

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Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band Empty Re: Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band

Post by Constantine Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:13 pm

Hi - These are all good questions, as the ways for bands to gain exposure have really changed over the years. 
A podcast is a good thing to try to get.  I would start with the Wildman & Steve Show, you can look them up and contact them.

You can also start posting your songs in the main page here (the Christian metal / rock section).  
FB is another good way to get exposure - I am not on it myself but admit that it draws a crowd.  X (a.k.a. Twitter) as well.

I would also look for fanzines and Christian rock radio shows and try to get your material out there.  
Also join other Christian metal and rock groups on social media (like MeWe) and post your songs in them.   
I like the song "Rise" a lot.  I just subscribed to your You Tube and Spotify pages.  

Wish I could help more but me and some of my friends are "retired" from the scene as far as no long publishing fanzines or being involved in promotion.  I can put your songs in my MeWe group but it doesn't get much traffic these says unfortunately.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band Empty Re: Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band

Post by Revelation Signal Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:49 pm

Hi Constantine I really appreciate your insight. I'll add the Wildman and Steve show to my list of podcasts to contact. Should I tell them you sent me over?

I choose not to participate in FB and Instagram mainly due to data collection and censorship. You can read about that on my Substack if you'd like.

MeWe is a great idea, I created an account on there a few years back but neglected it - perhaps I'll re-visit. I'm already managing accounts on a dozen or so websites as it is though.

Thanks for listening to the music and giving it a chance, I'm glad "Rise" speaks to you.

Actually, you've already helped! I'm more interested in making real connections with people who care about the topics written in the songs than amassing a huge passive audience. So if you enjoy the songs, just listen to them and talk about them like you would any other song you enjoy.
Revelation Signal
Revelation Signal
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

Posts : 12
Join date : 2024-08-08

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Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band Empty Re: Christian Patriotic Alternative Metal band

Post by Constantine Fri Aug 09, 2024 7:14 pm

Howdy - Glad you found something of value here.  Yes, Steve from Wildman & Steve knows who I am so you can just say Constantine from the CMR sent you....

I've never looked at Substack but everybody talks about it these days.  Guess I gotta take the plunge sometime.

Okay, have a good evening for now.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Location : NY / NJ Area

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