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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by JayW Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:24 pm

Hey guys, want to test the waters... have some really hard to find cds in the mix, some autographed, most mint or near. I'd like to sell in a bundle but open to offers. I'm just going to post some pics... we can discuss price depending on what is wanted, or a take all...

Having a hard time posting pics...  e mail me at and I'll send pics of what is available.  Anything from impelliteri to Crimson Moonlight to Ransom, Petra, Extol, Driver, etc.
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by JayW Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:28 pm

Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210715
Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210713
Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210714
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by JayW Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:37 pm

Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210716
Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210717
Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210718
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by JayW Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:42 pm

Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210721
Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210719
Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210720
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by JayW Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:49 pm

Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210722
Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210723Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210722
Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's 20210723
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by Jetway777 Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:46 am

What Are The CD. Prices ?   Very Happy
mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by JayW Sat Jul 17, 2021 9:05 am

Jetway777 wrote:What Are The CD. Prices ?   Very Happy
 Email me with the ones you're interested in and I'll give you some prices. 

mallcore n00b
mallcore n00b

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by Kerrick Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:36 pm

I emailed you about The Defeat Of Satan.  Smile

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

Post by mothy Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:36 pm

Email sent with some questions
Sacred Metal Prophet
Sacred Metal Prophet

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Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's Empty Re: Thinking about selling a bunch of my cd's

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