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Orationem - The Black Metal Scripture Collection - Volume I

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Orationem - The Black Metal Scripture Collection - Volume I Empty Orationem - The Black Metal Scripture Collection - Volume I

Post by CrimsonWarrior Fri May 07, 2021 12:37 pm

Orationem - The Black Metal Scripture Collection - Volume I
Christian Metal Underground Records, 4/16/21
Christian black metal

Thomas Eversole is one of the most prolific artists in Christian black metal, but by no means does he prioritize quantity over quality. This is the eighth full-length Orationem album since the project started in 2015 (ninth if you count the "Not Live" compilation, which was a collection of tracks plus some extra content meant to sound like a live show, which was a neat idea that worked quite well). Already I like the concept behind this album - all lyrics are verbatim from the World English Bible (one of the few translations that is in the public domain). I say this often, but too much Christian black metal is focused on "killing demons" or just trying to sound "dark" or whatever, and yeah, maybe that's fun to have every now and then, but I have always wanted something more theologically rich and more God-focused than that, and this album fully fits that category. Thumbs up from me on the lyrics and the theme.

Each song begins and ends with the signature Orationem ambience, which I think is always a nice touch. It adds some atmosphere to the music without getting lost in any needlessly long introductions. Thomas wastes no time before throwing the listener into his chaotic style of black metal. Every track is a little adventure of its own. The typical structure of verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus is entirely absent here, and each song carries the listener along through its unexpected twists and turns. including some faster and slower sections, and even switching from 4/4 to 6/8 at times. This kept me on edge and interested through the duration of the album. A few of the tracks (2, 4, and 6 if I am not mistaken) had some nice spoken vocals done in a low voice that fit the mood very well. At some points there are tasteful synths to add some background support to the music without getting in the way.

The guitars have a very similar sound to what I have heard in past Orationem, but the riffs are more audible this time, which is something I appreciate. There are also times where the wall of noise effect is achieved, and I do like it in limited quantities, so that was also nice to have. The guitars and synths are layered very well so that if you really focus, you can dig through it and hear different pieces of it. The production is clear enough to allow you to do this too, which is great. The guitars have a chunky sound reminiscent of Thomas' other project Ankou Awaits, though the overall feeling and mood created by this album and other Orationem albums is very different than that of Ankou Awaits.

My one point of complaint, and bear in mind that this could be just a matter of personal taste, is that I wish the riffs were more memorable. The track that sticks out to me most is "For God is Not Unrighteous" as the guitars soar over the rest of the music in a really nice way, but the other songs don't stick with me quite as well, even though like I said before, the riffs are more audible than what I remember from previous Orationem albums. When I think about my favorite black metal albums, what generally sticks out to me is the guitarwork. And while the guitars are by no means bad on this album, the riffs just aren't structured in a way that makes me sing them in my head when I am done listening.

Overall I highly recommend this. Orationem has a unique sound that I think most fans of black metal would enjoy.

Score: 90/100

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Last edited by CrimsonWarrior on Fri May 07, 2021 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fix broken link and correct label information)
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Orationem - The Black Metal Scripture Collection - Volume I Empty Re: Orationem - The Black Metal Scripture Collection - Volume I

Post by Set0553 Sun May 16, 2021 12:01 am

I will have to check out this band, for sure! Been into BM, since Venom and Bathory over 30years ago! The bands that really stand out for me in CBM is Elgibbor (Katumus, Fire Throne) anything that Fire touches turns to gold!! Devotam from Brazil also is amazing! Thank God for these bands! That RAW BM sound!! I'm sure if it wasn't for The Fall of Lucifer and The Song of Moses by Elgibbor, I wouldn't be into the Christian scene at all! Thank you for mentioning Orationem! I'll look into them tomorrow. Also the new Anima Mortuum album, The Throne is out! Preorder just sent out today! Smile

mallcore n00b
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Orationem - The Black Metal Scripture Collection - Volume I Empty Re: Orationem - The Black Metal Scripture Collection - Volume I

Post by M_Mosher Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:36 pm

After hearing the name "Orationem" in Christian BM/Ub circles, I'm finally checking it out for the first time. Only excuse for why I haven't done so sooner is that I have to go with things (new music) as the mood strikes me. This may be a manifestation of my OCD though, something with which I'm becomeing increasingly aware in the last 5 years or so. 

It couldn't have come at a better time, tbh. For the longest time, I shied away from not only "new music," but "other people's music" as a whole, usually listening to my own. Now that I'm prepared to honestly evaluate it, the first track instantly reminds me of some of Abigor's work from.... is it called IV? A collection of demos? They had a style of really tight BM w/ Symphonic portions, albeit done in a way I'd never heard of up to that point, or since. 

To be frank, the first I've ever come across since that time, which has given me a similar impression to that blisteringly-tight and complex, Raw Black w/ Symphonic elements, is right now, at this very moment, listening to Orationem. 

Good stuff! Obviously, a comparison with Abigor is nothing to shake a forked-stick at! Wink
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